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Blakely Newsletter - March 3, 2025

Posted Date: 3/03/25 (9:54 PM)

Blakely Elementary School
March 3, 2025
Inside this Newsletter
  • From the Counselor
  • Kindergarten Tour / Bus Ride
  • Communication Survey
  • PTO Happenings
  • Scholastic Book Fair
  • Blakely Calendar
  • Helpful LInks
Counselor Connection
Hello Blakely Community! 

This week I’d like to share more about the social-emotional learning that is occurring at each grade level. 

Kindergarten– Students are learning about what it means to have a growth mindset and then we will be moving into learning about what it means to be a self-manager. Here is a helpful article about ways you can help to instill a growth mindset at home. 

1st Grade– We will be learning all about feelings! Feel Your Best Self is a program I will utilize to teach first graders all about the array of feelings we feel as humans and coping strategies. 

2nd Grade– We have been talking all about friendship in second grade! Friendship is truly an art and we will be learning all about how to make and maintain positive friendships. Here is a resource from Child Mind Institute to help your child build positive, healthy friendships. 

3rd Grade– In third grade, we are learning about what happens when we “flip our lid” and about the three different parts of our brain that are involved in this happening (pre-frontal cortex, hippocampus, and amygdala).  

4th Grade– In fourth grade, we are talking all about gossip and rumors– why it might happen, and the negative impact it can have on ourselves and our peers. 

Let me know if you’re ever interested in learning more about what I teach during grade-level classroom lessons– I’d be happy to share resources and strategies to continue to support your child at home as well. 

Always here,

Amanda Keller (she/her), M.Ed.
School Counselor
Blakely Elementary School

Kindergarten Tour
Attention incoming Kindergarten families! Visit Blakely Elementary on March 6th at 9 am for a school tour and bus ride!

Other tours:
x̌alilc Elementary Tour: March 5th @ 9 am
Ordway Elementary Tour: March 7th @ 9 am
Communication Surveys
Two years ago, BISD underwent a communications audit, which included a survey. This was a valuable tool and helped set communication goals to improve our practices. It is time again to evaluate what is working and how we can improve.
Please take the communication survey (links below) to share your opinions. You are not asked to provide your name/email address, and your responses will remain anonymous (unless you choose to identify yourself in the comment section). 
The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and will close on Friday, March 14, 2025. Your honest feedback helps shape the focus for next year (and beyond). Curious about how we use the survey data? Check out this report.
After School
After School Activities
  • Session: Tuesdays (3/4-4/22 (no club on 4/8)). 
  • Location: Blakely Commons
  • Time: 2:20pm - 4:00pm 
  • Cost: $120 - Please make checks payable to Mark Cohen and either have your student bring them to the first session or you can leave them in the PTO Treasurer mailbox in the office. Mark is happy to give scholarships by request (email
For more information and to register, follow this link.
Book Fair
Scholastic Book Fair
BLAKELY LIBRARY BOOK FAIR is NEXT WEEK, March 10-13: A percentage of all sales go directly to support the Blakely library.

E-WALLETS: Don’t forget to set up your child’s e-wallet! It’s the easy way to pay.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Volunteers are needed to make our book fair a success. Please consider signing up for a shift!

Lunchtime Shifts (you can volunteer when your kid’s class is shopping!):
  • Tuesday:  Sheehan, Ball, Claesson, Ledbetter
  • Wednesday:  Sellers, McCassey, Reuling, Hoag
  • Thursday:  Clark, Claiborne, Olsen, Saling
After School Family Shopping:
  • Monday (March 10): 12:50 pm - 4:00 pm
  • Wednesday March 12): 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
QUESTIONS? Contact PTO Book Fair Chair Melinda Ackles @ or Librarian Cathy Grant @
Blakely Calendar

3: Highly Capable Nomination Window Closes
6: 4th Grade Incoming Parent/Guardian Information Night at Sakai 6:30 - 8 PM
7: PTO Planning Meeting 8:00am in the Library
10-13: Scholastic Book Fair


4/7-4/11: Spring Break - No School
Helpful Links

K-4 School Hours
  • Monday: 7:50-12:50
  • Tuesday-Friday: 7:50-2:20
Preschool Hours:
  • AM: 7:45-10:15
  • PM: 11:45-2:20
Phone Numbers
  • Main office: 206-842-4752
  • Attendance: 206-780-2046 or
  • After-school Transportation:
Helpful Links
Non-Discrimination Statement
Bainbridge Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Kristen Haizlip, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator and Gender Inclusive Schools Coordinator, 8489 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110; 206-780-1058; BISD: All Are Welcome