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Policies & Procedures for Technology Use

A technology policy provides a framework for safe, responsible, productive, and effective use of current and evolving technologies for 21st century students and educators. The Bainbridge Island Board of Directors approved Policy 2022 - Responsible Use of Electronic Resources and Policy 3246 Bring Your Own Device, and their related procedures, to guide technology use by students, staff, and visitors to our district.

In addition, all BISD students and their parents/guardians sign an Electronic Resources User Agreement to be sure all parties are clear on safe and responsible use of  district-owned technology and personally-owned technology when used during school hours and school sponsored activities.

You can find school board policies on the Boarddocs website

Policy 2022 Responsible Use of Electronic Resources

Procedure 2022 Responsible Use of Electronic Resources

Policy 2023 Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy

Procedure 2023 Digital Citizenship and Media Literacy

Policy 3245 Bring Your Own Device

Procedure 3245 Bring Your Own Device


Other Agreements

Responsible Use of Electronic Resources User Agreement

Chromebook Acceptance and Liability Agreement

Student & Parent/Guardian Take Home Device Handbook with Agreement


Washington State Office of Superintendent’s Guidance on Technology Policies

The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction has provided the following information about technology use policies in our schools.

Four Big Ideas for Your Technology Use Policy 

  • Responsible personal conduct within the online environment is no different than responsible personal conduct face-to-face.
  • Individuals must protect personal safety online
  • Civic life has an expanding digital dimension that demands responsible engagement by individuals and groups.
  • There are long-lasting implications to publishing in the online environment.

Why Develop a Technology Use Policy?
Networks, enterprise management systems, applications, telecommunications, software and hardware comprise the fundamental infrastructure on which education fulfills its mission, private industry conducts business, and the public manages and enriches daily life. Without technology, these organizations would be unable to meet their strategic and financial goals, recruit new talent, raise money or support learning. The need to prepare our high school graduates is clear ― they will encounter employers and institutions of higher education that integrate technology into every aspect of their operations. In 21st century society, citizenship has a digital dimension.

  • Digital citizenship requires a sophisticated understanding of what it means to preserve personal safety online and engage civic life responsibly and effectively.
  • Digital citizenship requires a sophisticated awareness that there are long-lasting implications to web publishing and that responsible personal conduct within the online environment is no different than responsible personal conduct face-to-face.

Students regard digital technologies as powerful and compelling tools for learning, productivity, communication and collaboration. Thoughtful, progressive policy realizes the potential of technology and acknowledges that information and communication technology)must be broad-based and used intensively by educators, administrators and students ― the critical dynamic if teachers and students are to communicate, share new knowledge and extend teaching and learning beyond school walls and classroom hours.