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BISD Family Handbook Home

2024-2025 Family Handbook

The 2024-25 Family Handbook outlines some important district policies and serves as a resource for essential details. 

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    The Bainbridge Island School District prioritizes partnering with families to make sure students fully benefit from their education by attending school regularly. Your student can start building this habit as early as preschool so they learn that going to school on time, every day is important.

    Our Promise To You
    We know that there are a wide variety of reasons that students are absent from school. There are many people in our building prepared to help you if you or your student face challenges in getting to school regularly or on time.  We promise to track attendance daily, to notice when your student is missing from class, communicate with you to understand why they were absent, and to identify barriers and supports available to overcome challenges you may face in helping your student attend school.

    Did You Know?

    • Starting in kindergarten, too many absences (excused and unexcused) can cause children to fall behind in school.  
    • Missing 10 percent (or about 18 days) increases the chance that your students will not read or master math at the same level as their peers.
    • Students can still fall behind if they miss just a day or two days every few weeks.
    • Being late to school may lead to poor attendance.  
    • By 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school.
    • By being present at school, your child learns valuable social skills and has the opportunity to develop meaningful relationships with other students and school staff.
    • By 9th grade, regular and high attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th-grade test scores.

    What You Can Do

    • Avoid scheduling vacations when school is in session. They are considered unexcused absences.
    • Build regular routines for bedtime and the morning.
    • Lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before.
    • Talk about the importance of regular attendance and about how your child feels about school.
    • Don’t permit missing school unless your child is truly sick. Use a thermometer to check for a fever. Remember that stomach aches and headaches may be signs of anxiety.
    • If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to teachers, school counselors, or other parents for advice on how to make him/her feel comfortable and excited about learning.
    • Avoid medical appointments when school is in session.
    • Keep a chart recording your child’s attendance at home. At the end of the week, talk with your child about what you see.
    • Develop backup plans for getting to school if something comes up. Ask a family member, neighbor, or another parent for help.
    • Seek support from school staff or community groups to help with transportation, health problems, etc.
    • Encourage meaningful afterschool activities, including sports and clubs.

    We miss your student when they are gone and we value their contributions to our school. We would like you to help ensure that your student attends regularly and is successful in school.  If your student is going to be absent, please contact your student’s school.

    Schools are required to take attendance every day and notify you when your student is absent. BISD School Board Policy 3122 and Procedure P3122 outline the district’s policy regarding excused and unexcused absences. BISD is required to provide annual notice of its Attendance Policy. 

    Absences due to the following reasons may be excused:

    1. Physical health or mental health symptoms, illness, health condition or medical appointment for the student or person for whom the student is legally responsible. Examples of symptoms, illness, health conditions, or medical appointments include but are not limited to: medical, counseling, mental health wellness, dental, optometry, pregnancy, and behavioral health treatment (which can include in-patient or out-pateint treatment for chemical dependency or mental health); 

    2. Family emergency including, but not limited to, a death or illness in the family;

    3. Religious or cultural purpose including observance of a religious or cultural holiday or participation in religious or cultural instruction;

    4. Court, judicial proceeding, court-ordered activity, or jury service;

    5. Postsecondary, technical school or apprenticeship program visitation, or scholarship interview;

    6. State-recognized search and rescue activities consistent with RCW 28A.225.055;

    7. Absence directly related to the student's homeless or foster care/dependency status;

    8. Absences related to deployment activities of a parent or legal guardian who is an active-duty member consistent with RCW 28A.705.010;

    9. Absences due to suspensions, expulsions, or emergency expulsions imposed pursuant to chapter 392-400 WAC if the student is not receiving educational services and is not enrolled in qualifying "course of study" activities as defined in WAC 392-121-107;

    10. Absences due to student safety concerns, including absences related to threats, assaults, or bullying;

    11. Absences due to a student's migrant status;

    12.  Absences due to an approved activity that is consistent with district policy and is mutually agreed upon by the principal or designee and a parent, guardian, or emancipated youth;

    13.Absences related to the student's illness, health condition, or medical appointments due to COVID-19;

    14. Absences related to caring for a family member who has an illness, health condition, or medical appointment due to COVID-19;

    15. Absences related to the student's employment or other family obligations during regularly scheduled school hours that are temporarily necessary due to COVID-19 until other arrangements can be made, including placement in a more flexible education program;

    16. Absences due to the student's parent's work schedule or other obligations during regularly scheduled school hours, until other arrangements can be made;

    17. Absences due to the student's lack of necessary instructional tools, including internet broadband access or connectivity; and

    18. Other COVID-19 related circumstances as determined between school and parent or emancipated youth.

    State law requires that school districts take data-informed steps to reduce both excused and unexcused absences. 

    Elementary students - excused absences

    • If an elementary student has five excused absences in a single month during the current school year, or ten excused absences in the current school year, the school will schedule a conference with the guardian of the elementary student and the child for the purpose of identifying barriers to attendance and supports/resources available to assist the family. This step of holding a conference for excused absences is only required for elementary school students.  
    • If the student has an individualized education program (IEP) or 504 Plan, the IEP or 504 team must convene. A conference or IEP/504 team meeting is not required if prior notice has been given or a doctor’s note has been provided and an academic plan has been put in place. 

    All students - unexcused absences

    • If any student has three unexcused absences within a month, the school will schedule a conference with parent/guardian and student for the purpose of identifying barriers to the student’s regular attendance and the supports and resources that may be made available to the family and the steps to be taken to support the student to attend. 
    • Between the second and seventh cumulative unexcused absences in a school year, the school/district must: 
      • Take data-informed steps to eliminate or reduce student’s absences. 
      • Convene the IEP or 504 team if the student has an IEP or a 504 Plan to consider the reasons for the absences and adjust the IEP or 504 Plan as necessary. This is required and is in addition to the requirement to have a parent conference after 3 unexcused absences. 
      • Administer the WARNS (Washington Assessment of Risks and Needs of Students) or other assessment (middle/high school students only).
    • If any student has seven unexcused absences within a month, the school/district is required to do one of the following:
      • Enter into an agreement with the student and parent establishing attendance requirements, or
      • Refer student to a Community Engagement Board, or 
      • File petition under subsection (1) of RCW 28A.225.030
    • After seven unexcused absences in a month and not later than 15 cumulative unexcused absences in a school year, the school/district must:
      • File truancy petition with Juvenile Court. Court must “stay” the petition. “Stay” means that the court will temporarily hold the case from moving forward, giving the district, parent, and student time to address the causes of absences through the CEB and subsequent supports & interventions.
      • Refer the parent and child to a Community Engagement Board (CEB) or other coordinated means of intervention if referral did not take place before the petition. The CEB meeting must take place within 20 days of the referral. The CEB must meet with the child, a guardian, and school district representative and enter into an agreement.

    Washington State Attendance and Truancy Legal Requirements are located at these links:

    Washington state law (RCW 28A.225.010) requires mandatory attendance for children ages 8 to 17 at a public school, private school, or a district-approved home school program. Children that are 6- or 7-years-old are not required to be enrolled in school. However, if parents/guardians enroll their 6- or 7-year-old, the student must attend full-time. Youth who are 16 or older may be excused from attending public school if they meet certain requirements.  

    BISD School Board Policy 3122 and Procedure P3122 outline the district’s policy regarding excused and unexcused absences. BISD is required to provide annual notice of its Attendance Policy.

  • Emergency situations occasionally arise which may require school delays, closures, or changes in transportation. Most frequently, these changes are related to inclement weather. To alert families to changes made to the regular schedule, we will utilize a range of communication tools.  


    • BISD’s website
    • Email/phone call/text through our messaging system. Please make sure your information is current in your Skyward account, as the messaging system pulls contact info from Skyward.
    • Emergency broadcast stations for pertinent information (local radio and television stations)
    • Social media (primarily Facebook and Instagram)

    *If the District Office is without power or internet, some forms of these communications may not work.

    Emergency Alerts & Messages

    We use a system called ParentSquare to push out time-sensitive messages such as school closures (as well as school and district newsletters and other communications). The system sends messages via email, phone, text and the ParentSquare app. Parents/guardians can set their communication preferences by registering with ParentSquare. ParentSquare Instructions - Parents/Guardians 

    When an emergency occurs at our schools, oftentimes the messages that are first circulated come from non-official sources. For example, a student texts a parent about an emergency and then the parent posts the text on Facebook, and the post is then shared by other parents, etc. So why does it take longer for the school district to send out an official message? Here's what is going on at the District Office during an emergency.

    1. GATHERING FACTS: When an emergency happens, the school(s) and the district strive to communicate factual information to the public as quickly as possible. But, as no two situations are alike, oftentimes there are details we need to verify. This can involve talking to multiple parties (such as the police or fire department, or families directly involved with the emergency) and this information-gathering phase takes time. Please know we’re working hard to get an accurate account of the situation.
    2. LIMITED ON WHAT WE CAN SHARE: Depending on the situation, there are times we are limited on the details we can share. This could be due to privacy laws or due to an active law enforcement investigation. It is not our intention to seem vague when we say “We are unable to share specifics regarding XYZ.” Please know that we strive toward proactive communication while balancing the privacy of others.
    3.  GETTING THE MESSAGE OUT: Once we have the message ready to send, we activate various communication channels.
    • ParentSquare: - This sends messages via email, text, phone and the ParentSquare app.
    • Website: We post timely messages on the district’s homepage.
    • Social Media: We post timely messages to the district’s Facebook page and the district’s Instagram account.

    What should you do during an emergency situation?

    1. Follow the instructions given in our message. This might include an alternate pick-up location for your student or a change to the schools’ dismissal times.
    2. Help keep the schools’ phone lines open by not calling in and asking for additional information. We will send updates through the above channels.
    3. To help cut down on misinformation in the community, share the district’s message with local friends and neighbors who aren’t in the district’s communications database (such as those who don’t have students enrolled in the district).

    Thank you for doing your part to keep the communication lines open and for sharing accurate and factual messages with those around you.


    When inclement weather hits overnight: District officials begin driving island roads around 3 a.m. to evaluate conditions. They drive main roads, side roads and hills throughout the island, as conditions can vary from one end to another. 

    Along with road conditions, other factors play into the decision:

    • What are the surrounding conditions like in Kitsap County? Approximately ⅓ of our staff live off-island. If the majority of ⅓ of our staff were unable to get to work, there would not be enough substitute teachers, substitute bus drivers, substitute food servers, etc. to cover the necessary staffing positions to operate a school day. 
    • Are the BISD parking lots and walking paths safe? Despite the Herculean efforts of our grounds and custodial crews, sometimes Mother Nature dumps more snow or ice than our teams can keep up with!
    • If it’s a power-related issue, we will work closely with our energy provider to see when they expect the power to be restored.
    • Other considerations include the weather forecast; weather conditions for students getting to and from (and waiting for) school buses.

    To help families and staff facilitate planning, BISD will do its best to decide whether or not school will be in session as soon as possible. But as we’ve experienced in the past, Mother Nature can be unpredictable. Sometimes a decision cannot be made until the last minute.  

    If necessary, schools will either be closed or delayed with a late start.

    CLOSED means all BISD public schools are closed for the day. All activities are canceled. If conditions change during the day, special arrangements may be made for some activities.

    LATE START means schools are open but will begin at a later time; there is no preschool or out-of-district transportation. USE OF EMERGENCY/SNOW ROUTES—Buses will run on limited service/snow routes. See the limited routes listed on our website.

    If there will be changes* to the normal school day, we will communicate with you via our communication channels:

    • Email
    • Text 
    • Via the ParentSquare app 
    • On the BISD website
    • Via social media

    *Cancellations may result in extending the school year.

    When inclement weather hits during the school day:

    • In an emergency, all students will be kept at school until the end of the school day or longer if the emergency dictates.
    • Should conditions exist that make transportation impossible, students will be kept at school until the parent, guardian or an authorized adult comes to check the student out of school. It is expected that the parents/guardians/authorized adults will come as soon as possible to pick up their student(s).
    • In all situations, the superintendent may make other decisions dependent on the type of emergency.

    You’ll find enrollment information on the district’s enrollment website.

    Records needed for enrollment include:

    • Child’s birth certificate 
    • Child’s immunization forms 
    • Emergency phone numbers (at least two) 
    • Name and phone number of your child’s doctor 
    • Parents/gaurdians’ cell and work numbers


    BISD provides tuition-free, full-day kindergarten. To enter kindergarten, a child must be five years old on or before August 31. 

    Kindergarten orientation is typically held in early February and the date will be advertised on the district website and published in the local newspaper. Kindergarten enrollment begins at that time and is open until the following fall. We urge kindergarten parents/guardians to enroll early so we are able to accurately plan for classes and appropriate staffing at each school. For more information, visit the BISD kindergarten web page.

    Commodore Options School*

    Commodore Options School is the “umbrella” for educational options including Eagle Harbor High School (9-12), Odyssey Multiage Program (K-8)*, and Mosaic Home Education Partnership (K-8).  The programs hold in common the value of high parent involvement, student-centered learning and connections beyond the classroom.  For more information, visit the BISD Commodore Options School web page.

    El Velero Spanish Immersion*

    The El Velero Spanish Immersion Program is a Kindergarten through 4th-grade curriculum in a bilingual Spanish immersion environment housed at Ordway Elementary. 

    For more information, visit the El Velero web page.

    *Admittance to Odyssey and El Velero is through a lottery application process. 

    High School Options  

    Along with Bainbridge High and Eagle Harbor High, there are additional options such as:

    Running Start provides the opportunity for high school juniors and seniors to attend classes at local community colleges and earn tuition-free credits. Students may enroll simultaneously in high school and college classes or solely in college classes while fulfilling high school graduation requirements. 

    For more information, visit the Running Start web page.

    West Sound Technical Skills Center is located in Bremerton and offers an opportunity for high school students (ages 16 - 21 or in grades 11th and 12th) to learn job skills as part of their public education at no cost to the student. 

    Students who take courses at WSTSC can also take afternoon classes at their high school. Bus transportation is provided. Students must register with their high school counselor and at WSTSC. 

    For more information, visit the WSTSC web page.


    In the past, asbestos was used extensively in building materials because of its insulating, sound-absorbing, and fire retarding capabilities. Virtually any building constructed before the late 1970s contained some asbestos. Intact and undisturbed asbestos materials generally do not pose a health risk. Asbestos materials, however, can become hazardous when, due to damage or deterioration over time, they release fibers. If the fibers are inhaled, they can lead to health problems, such as cancer and asbestosis.

    In 1986, Congress passed the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), which requires schools to be inspected to identify any asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM).  

    BISD developed an asbestos management plan in 1988 for each school, which is reviewed and updated regularly. Suspected locations of asbestos-containing building materials (ACBM) have been located, sampled, and rated according to condition and potential hazard. Along with bi-yearly monitoring which is required by law, every three years, BISD conducts a comprehensive re-inspection to determine whether the condition of the known or assumed ACBM has changed.  At the same time, recommendations are made on managing or removing the ACBM. The last re-inspection in October 2023, evaluated the condition of all identified materials listed in the Management Plan as ACBM (or assumed to be asbestos-containing). The next three-year inspection is scheduled for October 2026. All reports are submitted to involved schools.

    The management plan includes information related to:

    • Notification of the availability of the management plan
    • The status of asbestos activities
    • Education and training of employees about asbestos and how to deal with it
    • Notification to short-term or temporary workers on the locations of ACBM
    • Posting of warning labels in routine maintenance areas where asbestos was previously identified or assumed
    • Following set plans and procedures designed to minimize the disturbance of asbestos-containing building materials; how to survey the condition of these materials every six months to assure that they remain in good condition

    Ordway, Commodore, and the older buildings at Bainbridge High School still contain ACBM although much of the original ACBM has been removed during previous remodels and upgrades. The Commodore Steam HVAC system was replaced over the summer of 2018 which made it necessary to remove (abate) asbestos in some areas of the building in strict accordance with the laws governing asbestos abatement.

    At this time the district has no plans to remove, encapsulate, or enclose ACBM at Ordway or the BHS 300 & 400 Buildings during the 2024-25 school year.  Any further work will follow all federal and state regulations.

    Based on their respective dates of construction and project specification requirements prohibiting the use and installation of asbestos-containing materials, it is presumed that; Sakai, Woodward, Maintenance, Transportation, Administration and the new x̌alilc (Halilts), Blakely and BHS 100 buildings do not contain ACBM.  

    It is the intention of BISD to continue to comply with all federal and state regulations controlling asbestos and to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure students and employees learn and work in a healthy and safe environment.

    You are welcome to review the district’s asbestos management plans. Copies of each building’s plan are available at the school office. Please call Dane Fenwick, BISD’s Designated Asbestos Program Coordinator, if you have questions about the District’s Asbestos Management Program at (206) 780-1454.

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of its Asbestos Management plan.

    BISD has an Integrated Vegetation and Pest Management Program (IPM) with a policy and procedure that: inform the community; consider community values in establishing standards of maintenance for school district properties; utilize an ecological approach, and minimize the use of pesticides and the risk to human health and the environment.

    Where practical, organic methods are implemented before chemical controls are used, so that pests are kept at acceptable levels through effective, economical, and environmentally safe means.

    The chart below lists the names of compounds classified as Category 3, and approximate date of application throughout the school year from Sept. 2024 — Aug. 2025.

    The procedure adopted by the school district requires that at least 48 hours of notice be given to schools and school communities where herbicide or pesticide applications are scheduled.

    CB-80 279-3393 Stinging Insect Eradication As needed by maintenance
    Contrac Blox 12455-79 Rodent Eradication As needed by exterminator
    Dipel DF (Biological insecticide) 73049-39 Control Tent Caterpillars As needed by maintenance
    Capstone 62719-572 Noxious Weed –Tansy Ragwort & Knotweed Control July or August by Kitsap Noxious Weed Control

    Compliance also includes:

    • Updating the IPM Hotline (206-780-1885)
    • Posting signs at the application site and providing a communication labeled “NOTICE: PESTICIDE APPLICATION” and  including; the pesticide product name, intended time and date of application, naming the specific location of the application, identifying the pest to be controlled, including contact names and numbers of the applicator, and listing the IPM hotline number
    • Displaying the communication notice in a prominent place in the front office of the school affected, as well as on the school’s public calendar for 24 hours after the application, and posting all signs for 24 hours after application, or longer, depending on the product label.

    Exceptions to the previous procedure are:

    • In the case of an immediate threat to public safety, public health or the environment requiring quick action, such as the control of stinging insects, notices will be posted after the application
    • Use of disinfectants to control microbial pests
    • Placement of insect or rodent bait stations not accessible to students
    • School holidays when the school is unoccupied by students for 48 hours following the application

    BISD School Board Policy 6522 and Procedure 6522 outline the district’s policy on integrated pest management. BISD is required to provide annual notice of its Integrated Pest Management Statement.


    A sick student cannot learn effectively and is unable to participate in classes in a meaningful way. Keeping a sick student at home allows the student the opportunity to rest, recover and prevent the spread of illness in the school community.

    If your child becomes ill at school, we will call you for pick up. It is essential that we have a phone number where you are contactable during the day and an emergency number in the event we cannot reach you. Families can update contact information and emergency contacts in Skyward Family Access.

    The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children stay home from school when they have:

    • Symptoms of COVID-19 – such as: a new loss of taste and/or smell, shortness of breath, muscle aches/pain, fatigue, headache, cough, fever, or chills. (See additional COVID-19 information below)
    • Fever of 100.4°F – keep your child home until they are fever-free and have not received fever-reducing medications within the last 24 hours
    • Two or more episodes of diarrhea and/or one or more episodes of vomiting within the last 24 hours
    • Uncontrolled cough
    • *Mucus/sputum that is green or yellow and cannot be contained – some young children can’t blow their nose and wash their hands effectively, increasing the chance of spreading infection to others
    • Strep-Throat – your child may return to school 24 hours after the start of antibiotics. If medication is needed at school, then you and your child’s health care provider should complete and sign a Medication at School Form. Hand the form to the nurse, together with the medication that is labeled (pharmacy label affixed for prescription medications) and in the original packaging
    • Earache – consult your child’s health care provider – left untreated, an ear infection may adversely affect hearing
    • Head Lice, Ringworm, Scabies – may return to school after initial treatment, just alert your school nurse
    • Rash - especially with fever or itching. A child with a suspicious rash should return to school only after a healthcare provider has made a diagnosis and authorized the child's return to school
    • An open wound that is draining and/or not able to be covered
    • Injury/Surgery – if students have sustained an injury and/or had a recent surgical procedure then they should stay at home, especially if they have pain and/or taking medications for pain relief. Please have your child’s healthcare provider contact the school nurse with treatment orders/care instructions to help your child safely return to school this is especially important if your child has had a head injury. Letting the school nurse know in advance of any planned surgery, and need for medications will be very helpful to ensure that your child will be safe and comfortable at school during the initial postoperative phase of their recovery.
    • Contact your healthcare provider if your child is experiencing any other symptoms that are concerning to you and let the school nurse know of any treatment plans



    The following are reminders of some general hygiene principles for your child:

    • Encourage your child to use a tissue to wipe a runny nose, discard it in the trash and immediately wash their hands with warm water and soap or use a hand sanitizer

    • Encourage your child to cover a cough or sneeze with the bend in the inner arm/elbow, and not into their hands

    • Encourage your child to wash their hands with warm water and soap each time after using the bathroom, before and after eating snacks/lunch, and frequently throughout the day

    • Still have questions about whether your student is healthy enough to come to school? Contact the school nurse or your child's health care provider. Thank you for your support in keeping our community safe & healthy.



    The Bainbridge Island School District is committed to the safety of students, staff, and the community. As a result, the district is following all applicable guidance provided by the Local Health Jurisdiction (LHJ), Kitsap County Public Health, and the WA State Department of Health (DOH) in response to respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19.

    NOTE: District staff are not responsible for confirming COVID test results or enforcing recommended protocols for isolation and masking when an individual has reported a positive case.

    Please see the recommended guidance below:

    Respiratory viruses like COVID-19, influenza (flu), and RSV can cause a range of symptoms, including but not limited to cough, fever, chills, headache, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, chest discomfort, decrease in appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue (tiredness), muscle or body aches, new loss of taste or smell, weakness, and wheezing. If you are sick or test positive for a respiratory virus, it is important to take steps to help prevent the spread of the virus to others in your home and community and to reduce your likelihood of getting very sick. Stay home and away from others, get tested if accessible, and get treatment if you are eligible.

    If you have respiratory virus symptoms that are not better explained by another cause (such as allergies) or test positive for COVID-19 or another respiratory virus, follow CDC guidance for staying home and away from others; this includes people you live with who are not sick.

    You can go back to your normal activities when both of the following have been true for at least 24 hours:

    • Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
    • You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication).

    You can tell your symptoms are improving when you start to feel better and you feel well enough to fully participate in your activities, such as learning in a classroom or completing tasks at work. A respiratory virus infection can have many types of symptoms, some of which can last beyond when someone is contagious (able to spread the virus), such as a lingering cough. Having a single symptom or a combination of symptoms is not as important as the overall sense of feeling better and the ability to resume activities.

    When you go back to your normal activities, wear a mask and take added precautions over the next 5 days, such as taking steps to improve airflow and filtration, practicing good hand hygiene, cleaning regularly, physical distancing, and testing when you will be around other people indoors. You may still be contagious with a respiratory virus after returning to your normal activities, so it is important to take additional precautions.

    • People with COVID-19 are often contagious for 5-10 days after their illness begins.
    • People with flu may be contagious for up to 5-7 days after their illness begins.
    • People with RSV are usually contagious for 3-8 days after their illness begins.

    Some people, such as those with a weakened immune system, can be contagious with a respiratory virus for longer periods of time.

    If there is an outbreak in a setting such as a workplace or congregate housing, it may be necessary to isolate for a specific period of time longer than you would otherwise to help stop the spread of COVID-19 or another respiratory virus. If you have questions about responding to an outbreak, reach out to your local health jurisdiction for more information.

    If you are sick, there are additional precautions you can take to prevent spreading COVID-19 to people at high risk of getting very sick, such as older adults and people with weakened immune systems. Consider staying away from people at high risk of getting very sick until:

    • 10 days have passed since your symptoms started,
    • 10 days have passed since you tested positive (if you never developed symptoms), or
    • You test negative for COVID-19 with an antigen test (such as an at-home test)

    If you need to be around someone at high risk of getting very sick during this time, the most protective step you can take is wearing a well-fitting mask when around them. You can also take steps to improve airflow and filtration, physically distance, clean regularly, and practice good hand hygiene.

    Guidance to Prevent and Respond to COVID-19 in K-12 Schools and Child Cares (May 30th, 2023)
    WA DOH - What To Do (April 4th, 2024)


  • Details about Washington State Immunization Requirements are available through the Department of Health. BISD uses the Washington Immunization Information System (WAIIS), a lifetime immunization record, to monitor student immunization compliance. Only medically verified immunization records are accepted.
    Before a child may attend school, the family must provide a Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) form to staff. This form shows the child’s vaccinations or proof of immunity to disease.

    There are a couple of ways families can submit a valid CIS form:

    • Families can print their child’s CIS by following the instructions on Access Your Family’s Immunization Information
    • Families can ask a healthcare provider to print out a CIS form for them.
    • Families can ask their school to print out a CIS form for them. Not all schools can do this, so make sure to ask ahead of time.
    • Families can fill out the CIS form themselves and attach medically verified records showing immunization using the following methods:
      • Official lifetime immunization record with a provider stamp or signature.
      • Official immigration immunization record.
      • Immunization records printed from a healthcare provider, clinic, or hospital.
      • Written immunization record with a provider stamp or signature.
      • Immunization records printed from the Washington Immunization Information System (WA IIS).


    If additional immunizations are needed after receiving all immunizations they are eligible to receive before starting school, children may start school in conditional status and remain until the next dose becomes due. Children will then have 30 calendar days to turn in updated records showing they received the missing dose. If additional doses are due, conditional status continues until all required immunizations are complete. If the 30 days expire without updated records, the child must be excluded from further attendance.


    If a parent/guardian wants to exempt a student from receiving immunizations, a Certificate of Exemption (COE) must be completed by the parent and healthcare provider and turn it in to the school before the student can start school. This form is available under the School and Child Care Exemptions from Immunization Requirements tab through the Department of Health.

    In order to provide a safe and healthy environment, animals are not allowed on school grounds during school hours unless one of the following conditions are met:

    1. A “service animal” means any dog or miniature horse that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. The work or tasks performed by the service animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability. (School Board Policy 2030 and School Board Procedure 2030P outlines Service Animals in Schools.)
    2. The animal is an instructional support to a classroom lesson outlined in district adopted curriculum, and its presence provides an educational benefit.
    3. District staff members are complying with law enforcement or other government emergency service agencies.
    4. Animals are confined in a vehicle. (Please use caution in doing so as temperatures can quickly rise inside the interiors of vehicles.)
    5. After school hours and sponsored events.

    Exceptions to this policy may be requested and granted by the school building principal or the facility supervisor.

    BISD School Board Policy 2029 outlines the district’s policy on animals on school grounds.

    A visitor is defined as anyone entering school property who is not an employee or authorized volunteer of the district or a student enrolled in that school. All persons visiting the schools must have a purpose related to the district’s educational program or the personal welfare of a student or employee. Visits for any other purpose are prohibited during school hours, this includes exercising on school tracks or using the playground equipment.

    BISD School Board Policy 4311 and Procedure 4311 outline the district’s policy on school visitation.

    Lend a helping hand!

    Bainbridge Island School District is fortunate to have an active and dedicated group of volunteers who help out in our classrooms, on field trips and with various activities and sports. Before volunteering in any capacity, volunteers must first be cleared. This process can take up to two-three weeks, so please plan ahead. Once cleared, volunteer terms are valid for two years. For more information, visit the volunteer website.

    Parent Teacher Organizations are an excellent way to meet fellow parents/guardians and learn in-depth information about the schools. Most PTOs meet monthly. To learn more about the PTOs, please visit this website.

    Unable to attend the meetings? You can still be involved! There are many opportunities to be connected with your PTO — just ask the PTO President or PTO Volunteer Coordinator on how you can help.

    In its commitment to serving the local community, BISD makes its facilities available to groups and individuals when not in use by students. Fees vary depending on the time involved, type of activity, personnel required, and profit or nonprofit classification of the user.

    For information about use of facilities or applications for Facilities & Fields Use, visit the district’s Facility & Field Rental webpage.

    Please read the application carefully, noting activities, conduct, and substances that are prohibited. These prohibitions include, but are not limited to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and firearms or other dangerous weapons, all as defined by law.

    BISD recognizes that to protect students from exposure to the addictive substance of nicotine, employees and officers of the school district, and all members of the community, have an obligation as role models to refrain from the use of tobacco products and delivery devices on school property at all times.

    Tobacco products and delivery devices include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, snuff, smoking tobacco, smokeless tobacco, nicotine, electronic smoking/vapor devices, and vapor products, non-prescribed inhalers, nicotine delivery devices or chemicals that are not FDA-approved to help people quit using tobacco, devices that produce the same flavor or physical effect of nicotine substances and any other smoking equipment, device, material or innovation.

    Any use of such products and delivery devices by staff, students, visitors and community members will be prohibited on all school district property, including all district buildings, grounds and district-owned vehicles, and indoor public spaces within five hundred feet of schools. Possession by or distribution of tobacco products to any person under twenty-one years of age is prohibited.

    The use of Federal Drug Administration (FDA) approved nicotine replacement therapy in the form of a nicotine patch, gum or lozenge is permitted. However, students and employees must follow applicable policies regarding use of medication at school.

    Notices advising students, district employees and community members of this policy will be posted in appropriate locations in all district buildings and at other district facilities as determined by the superintendent and will be included in the employee and student handbooks. Employees and students are subject to discipline for violations of this policy, and school district employees are responsible for the enforcement of the policy.

    BISD School Board Policy 4215 outlines the district’s policy on tobacco, nicotine products and delivery devices on campus.

    Just like Washington state passed common sense laws to help protect children in motor vehicles by requiring the use of car seats, the state has also passed a law about secure firearm storage. The law imposes penalties on adults when a child gains unsupervised access to unsecured firearms.

    In support of the state law, The Bainbridge Island School District Board of Directors passed Resolution No. 06-22-23 Support for Secure Firearm Storage at the January 12, 2023 Board meeting. This resolution highlights the data that secure firearm storage is associated with up to an 85 percent reduction in the risk of self-inflicted and unintentional firearm injuries among children and teens.

    Soon following BISD’s approval of Resolution No. 06-22-23, the City of Bainbridge Island also approved a Proclamation Declaring Support for Safe Gun Storage and Education. It is our collective hope that through education, awareness, and vigilance in regards to safe storage, adults can ensure that our island youth are safe and able to thrive.

    If your group or organization wishes to distribute educational or youth-related information within BISD, all materials will need prior approval.

    The following guidelines should be used in preparation:

    1. Your organization is non-profit.
    2. The service or event is appropriate and serves the youth or families in our schools.
    3. Materials include the name of the sponsoring organization and the name and contact information of a responsible representative.
    4. The District’s disclaimer is included or attached to the materials.

    Disclaimer: Bainbridge Island School District does not sponsor this event, and the district assumes no responsibility for it. In consideration of the privilege to distribute materials, the Bainbridge Island School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including costs, attorney’s fees, and judgments or awards.

    For more information, call the Community Relations Office at 206-780-1081 or visit
    the Community Relations section.

    BISD School Board Policy 4060 and Procedure 4060 outline the district’s policy on the distribution of community materials.

    It is the goal of BISD to maintain stable school attendance areas and minimize involuntary school transfers. Students in the district will attend the school designated for the geographic attendance area in which thet reside. However, the attendance area may vary from year to year and/or for each grade level.

    At the elementary level, we have flexible boundaries among Blakely, Ordway and x̌alilc (Halilts) schools. This means at times we must transfer students between schools to maintain equitable class sizes across grade levels within the district. Concerted efforts will be made to minimize student moves between schools by determining teacher assignments based on the projected enrollment for each grade level at each school and by carefully reviewing all requests for specific school assignments submitted by parents/guardians.

    In an effort to maintain equitable class loads and to permit the various elementary schools of the district to maintain classroom space for art, music, Title I/LAP services, programs for students with disabilities, and other specialized services offered to students, BISD authorizes the use of flexible boundary lines for each elementary school in the district.

    An explanation of flexible boundaries will be outlined each year as a part of the Kindergarten Parent Information Night and as a part of the enrollment process for new students.

    When possible, families of students who may be impacted by a potential change of school assignment will be notified by phone or by email before the end of the current school year. Building administrators will be available in mid-August to review school assignment concerns with guardian(s). For those students affected by school transfers, principals will establish a time when students and their guardians may visit the new school prior to the first day of school.

    This decision will be made by the school district administration after carefully considering all relevant information. Requests for specific school assignments may be submitted for consideration according to Policy 3131.

    BISD School Board Policy 3130 and Procedure 3130; BISD School Board Policy 3131 outlines district attendance areas.

    BISD administers and participates every two years in the Washington State Healthy Youth Survey (HYS) at grades 6, 8, 10, and 12. HYS measures health risk behaviors that include: alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, behaviors that result in unintentional and intentional injuries (e.g., violence), dietary behaviors, physical activity and related risk and protective factors. Answers given by youth are anonymous.

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of the Healthy Youth Survey.

    We believe that every child in our district should be challenged and supported academically, emotionally and socially. You can learn more about our commitment to students and the Highly Capable program by reading BISD School Board Policy 2190 and Procedure 2190.

    For information on the BISD Highly Capable program, refer to the district web page.  Parents/guardians of students in grades 1-12 receive information about the student identification process in the fall, as well as notification before tests are administered. Kindergarten parents/guardians will receive information in the winter. Parents/guardians of eligible students will be asked for permission before services are implemented.

    BISD School Board Policy 2190  and Procedure 2190 outline the district’s policy on highly capable students.

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of its Highly Capable Program.

    Consistent with Washington state law, BISD is committed to providing the public full access to records concerning the administration and operations of the district. Such access promotes important public policy, maintains public confidence in the fairness of governmental processes, and protects the community’s interest in the control and operation of its common school district.

    In the event that the requested records contain information that may affect rights of others and may be arguably exempt from disclosure, the public records officer may, prior to providing the records, give notice to such others. The notice may make it possible for the others to contact the requestor and ask him or her to revise the request, or, if necessary, seek a court order to prevent or limit the disclosure. The notice to the affected persons may also include a copy of the request.

    To learn more about BISD Public Records, please visit this district webpage

    BISD School Board Policy 4040 and Procedure 4040 outline the district’s policy on public records requests.

    BISD is committed to improving meaningful, two-way communication and promoting access to district programs, services and activities for students and their families. The district recognizes that students whose family members have limited English proficiency (LEP) might also speak or be learning multiple languages and are assets to the community.  It is crucial that the district seek to address language barriers and do so free of charge. To that end, and as required by law, the district will develop and adopt a plan for implementing and maintaining a language access program that is culturally responsive, provides for systemic family engagement developed through meaningful stakeholder engagement, and is tailored to the district’s current population of students and families who have limited English proficiency.

    At a minimum, the district’s plan for a language access program will adhere to principles of an effective language access program for culturally responsive, systemic family engagement, which are:

    • Accessibility and equity.  This means that school provides access to all; two-way communication is a priority and is woven into the design of all programs and services.
    • Accountability and transparency.  This means that the language access program and decision-making processes at all levels are:  Open, accessible, and usable to families; readily available; continuously improved based on ongoing feedback from families and staff; and regulated by a clear and just complaint process.
    • Responsive culture.  This means that schools are safe, compassionate places where each family’s opinion is heard, needs are met, and contributions are valued.  School staff are humble and empathetic towards families.
    • Focus on relationships.  This means that schools seek to understand families without judgment on an individual level, building trust through respectful relationships that recognize the unique strengths that each family and student possesses.

    BISD School Board Policy 4218 and Procedure 4218 outline the district’s policy on language access.

    Access to Schools

    • The Bainbridge Island School District has a responsibility to ensure that all students who attend within their boundaries can safely access a free public K-12 education.
    • The district does not exclude students from receiving an education or unlawfully discriminate against anyone because of their race, color, national origin, age, disability, gender identity, immigration or citizenship status, sex, creed, use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, sexual orientation, or on any other basis prohibited by federal, state, or local law.
    • The district will uphold its responsibility to all students and ensure that all staff and volunteers are aware of the rights of immigrant students to an education

    Immigration Enforcement on School Campus

    1. The Bainbridge Island School District does not grant permission for any person engaging in, or intending to engage in, immigration enforcement, including surveillance, to access the nonpublic areas of school district facilities, property, equipment, databases, or otherwise on school grounds or their immediate vicinity. District staff will direct anyone engaging in, or intending to engage in, immigration enforcement, including federal immigration authorities with official business that must be conducted on district property, to the school principal or authorized designee prior to permitting entrance to school grounds.  District staff will presume that activities by federal immigration authorities, including surveillance, constitute immigration enforcement.
    2. If anyone attempts to engage in immigration enforcement on or near district grounds, including requesting access to a student, employee, or school property:
      1. The Bainbridge Island School District staff will immediately alert and direct the person to the school principal or authorized designee, who will:
        • verify and record the person’s credentials (at least, name, agency, and badge number);
        • record the names of all persons they intend to contact;
        • collect the nature of the person’s business at the school;
        • request a copy of the court order or judicial warrant;
        • log the date and time; and
        • forward the request to the Superintendent and/or legal counsel for review.
      2. The Bainbridge Island School District staff will request that any person desiring to communicate with a student, enter school grounds, or conduct an arrest first produce a valid court order or judicial warrant.
      3. The District Superintendent [or authorized designee and/or legal counsel] will review the court order or judicial warrant for signature by a judge and validity. For the district to consider it valid, any court order or judicial warrant must state the purpose of the enforcement activity, identify the specific search location, name the specific person to whom access must be granted, include a current date, and be signed by a judge.
      4. The District Superintendent [or authorized designee and/or legal counsel] will review written authority signed by an appropriate level director of an officer’s agency that permits them to enter district property, for a specific purpose. If no written authority exists, the Superintendent or designee will contact the appropriate level director for the officer’s agency to confirm permission has been granted to enter district property for the specific purpose identified.
      5. Upon receipt and examination of the required information, the District Superintendent [or authorized designee and/or legal counsel] will determine whether the district will allow access to contact or question the identified individual and will communicate that decision to the school principal or authorized designee.
      6. The District Superintendent [or authorized designee and/or legal counsel] will make a reasonable effort, to the extent allowed by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), to notify the parent/guardian of any immigration enforcement concerning their student, including contact or interview.
      7. The District Superintendent [or authorized designee and/or legal counsel] will request the presence of a Bainbridge Island School District representative to be present during any interview. The district will not permit access to information, records, or areas beyond that specified in the court order, judicial warrant, or other legal requirement.

    BISD School Board Policy 4300 outlines the district’s policy on immigration enforcement.

    The primary responsibility for maintaining proper order and conduct in the schools is that of staff. When there is a substantial threat to the health and safety of students or others, law enforcement will be called upon for assistance. Information regarding major violations of the law shall be communicated to the appropriate law enforcement agency.
    The district will work cooperatively with law enforcement and other appropriate agencies to address:

    • The handling of child abuse and neglect allegations and cases
    • The handling of bomb threats
    • Arrests by law enforcement officers on school premises
    • The availability of law enforcement personnel for crowd control purposes
    • The processes for investigating possible criminal activity involving students
    • Reporting of communicable disease cases and investigations
    • Other matters that affect school and law enforcement cooperation

    BISD School Board Policy 4310 outlines the district’s policy on its relationship with other agencies.

    BISD is committed to nurturing a safe, caring and positive learning environment. The health, safety and well-being of students and staff while on district property are important functions of the district. Monitoring school grounds or school property is a significant factor in the protection of students, staff, visitors and district property.

    The district recognizes the value of video surveillance systems and monitoring activity on school property. Accordingly, the board authorizes the use of video surveillance cameras, monitors and recording equipment.

    In general, only those individuals with a legitimate administrative or educational purpose may be permitted to view the video recordings. In most instances, those persons will be the superintendent, principals, supervisors, and other administrators.

    BISD School Board Policy 6610 and Procedure 6610 outline the district’s policy on video surveillance, cameras & recording equipment on school grounds. .

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of its video surveillance, cameras & recording equipment policy.

    If you are 18 years of age or older (or will be for the next election), a citizen of the United States, a legal resident of the state of Washington, and/or are new to Bainbridge Island, you are encouraged  to register to vote.

    All information and directions for online or in-person voter registration can be found on the Kitsap County Auditor's website: Voter Registration.

    Kitsap County utilizes mail-in ballots. An election ballot box is located adjacent to the District Office at 8489 Madison Ave N. Voters may drop off their completed ballot at the collection box by 8 p.m. on election day.

    Information about a myriad of additional topics may be found on the district website.  In the Policies Section of Board Docs. You’ll find information about district policy governing all facets of school operations, including employment of staff, administration of student services, educational programs, instructional materials, school facilities, equipment, finance and support services.

  • Via Skyward, parents/guardians have online access to a variety of student information, such as attendance, grades, food service account and vaccinations. Online access can be reached via on the district website and every school website on the upper right hand corner of each page.

    If you don’t have a username or password, contact the office manager at your student’s school. Guardians with more than one student will access all students via one login/password.

    How It Works

    • Report Cards/Progress Reports for students will be posted to Family Access at the end of the term
    • An email will be sent to guardians letting them know the report card is available in Skyward
    • Guardians log in to Skyward and electronically sign before viewing the report card
    • Guardians will have the option to print or save the report card
    • Report cards will remain available to guardians via Skyward as long as their student is active in BISD
  • In Washington, all students have the right to be treated consistent with their gender identity at school. 

    Our district and schools will:

    • Address students by their requested name and pronouns, with or without a legal name change
    • Change a student’s gender designation and have their gender accurately reflected in school records
    • Allow students to use restrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity
    • Allow students to participate in sports, physical education courses, field trips, and overnight trips in accordance with their gender identity
    • Keep health and education information confidential and private
    • Allow students to wear clothing that reflects their gender identity and apply dress codes without regard to a student’s gender or perceived gender
    • Protect students from teasing, bullying, or harassment based on their gender or gender identity

    To review the district’s Gender-Inclusive Schools Policy 3212 and Procedure 3212, visit BISD’s BoardDocs. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator: Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator: Kristen Haizlip, Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator, 8489 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110, and 206-780-1058.

    For concerns about discrimination or discriminatory harassment based on gender identity or gender expression, please see the sections above.


  • Schools are meant to be safe and inclusive environments where all students are protected from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB), including in the classroom, on the school bus, in school sports, and during other school activities. This section defines HIB, explains what to do when you see or experience it, and our school’s process for responding to it.

    What is HIB?

    HIB is any intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act of a student that:

    • Physically harms another student or damages their property;
    • Has the effect of greatly interfering with another student’s education; or,
    • Is so severe, persistent, or significant that it creates an intimidating or threatening education environment for other students.

    HIB generally involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated. HIB is not allowed, by law, in our schools.

    How can I make a report or complaint about HIB?

    Talk to any school staff member (consider starting with whoever you are most comfortable with!). You may use our district’s reporting form to share concerns about HIB but reports about HIB can be made in writing or verbally. Your report can made anonymously, if you are uncomfortable revealing your identity, or confidentially if you prefer it not be shared with other students involved with the report. No disciplinary action will be taken against another student based solely on an anonymous or confidential report.

    If a staff member is notified of, observes, overhears, or otherwise witnesses HIB, they must take prompt and appropriate action to stop the HIB behavior and to prevent it from happening again. Our district also has a HIB Compliance Officer, Kristen Haizlip, 8489 Madison Avenue NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110,, who supports prevention and response to HIB.

    What happens after I make a report about HIB?

    If you report HIB, school staff must attempt to resolve the concerns. If the concerns are resolved, then no further action may be necessary. However, if you feel that you or someone you know is the victim of unresolved, severe, or persistent HIB that requires further investigation and action, then you should request an official HIB investigation.

    Also, the school must take actions to ensure that those who report HIB don’t experience retaliation.

    What is the investigation process?

    When you report a complaint, the HIB Compliance Officer or staff member leading the investigation must notify the families of the students involved with the complaint and must make sure a prompt and thorough investigation takes place. The investigation must be completed within 5 school days, unless you agree on a different timeline. If your complaint involves circumstances that require a longer investigation, the district will notify you with the anticipated date for their response.

    When the investigation is complete, the HIB Compliance Officer or the staff member leading the investigation must provide you with the outcomes of the investigation within 2 school days. This response should include:

    • A summary of the results of the investigation
    • A determination of whether the HIB is substantiated
    • Any corrective measures or remedies needed
    • Clear information about how you can appeal the decision 

    What are the next steps if I disagree with the outcome?

    For the student designated as the “targeted student” in a complaint:

    If you do not agree with the school district’s decision, you may appeal the decision and include any additional information regarding the complaint to the superintendent, or the person assigned to lead the appeal, and then to the school board.

    For the student designated as the “aggressor” in a complaint:

    A student found to be an “aggressor” in a HIB complaint may not appeal the decision of a HIB investigation. They can, however, appeal corrective actions that result from the findings of the HIB investigation.

    For more information about the HIB complaint process, including important timelines, please see the district’s HIB webpage or the district’s HIB Policy 3207 and Procedure 3207P.


  • Discrimination can happen when someone is treated differently or unfairly because they are part of a protected class, including their race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, creed, disability, use of a service animal, or veteran or military status.

     What is discriminatory harassment?

    Discriminatory harassment can include teasing and name-calling; graphic and written statements; or other conduct that may be physically threatening, harmful, or humiliating. Discriminatory harassment happens when the conduct is based on a student’s protected class and is serious enough to create a hostile environment. A hostile environment is created when conduct is so severe, pervasive, or persistent that it limits a student’s ability to participate in, or benefit from, the school’s services, activities, or opportunities.

    To review the district’s Nondiscrimination Policy 3210 and Procedure 3210, visit the district website.

    What is sexual harassment?

    Sexual harassment is any unwelcome conduct or communication that is sexual in nature and substantially interferes with a student's educational performance or creates an intimidating or hostile environment. Sexual harassment can also occur when a student is led to believe they must submit to unwelcome sexual conduct or communication to gain something in return, such as a grade or a place on a sports team. 

    Examples of sexual harassment can include pressuring a person for sexual actions or favors; unwelcome touching of a sexual nature; graphic or written statements of a sexual nature; distributing sexually explicit texts, e-mails, or pictures; making sexual jokes, rumors, or suggestive remarks; and physical violence, including rape and sexual assault.

    Our schools do not discriminate based on sex and prohibit sex discrimination in all of our education programs and employment, as required by Title IX and state law.

    To review the district’s Sexual Harassment Policy 3205 and Procedures 3205, visit the district’s website.

    What should my school do about discriminatory and sexual harassment?

    When a school becomes aware of possible discriminatory or sexual harassment, it must investigate and stop the harassment. The school must address any effects the harassment had on the student at school, including eliminating the hostile environment, and make sure that the harassment does not happen again.

    What can I do if I’m concerned about discrimination or harassment?

    Talk to a Coordinator or submit a written complaint. You may contact the following school district staff members to report your concerns, ask questions, or learn more about how to resolve your concerns.

    Concerns about discrimination:

    Civil Rights Coordinator: Kristen Haizlip, Civil Rights Coordinator, 8489 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110, and 206-780-1058. 


    Concerns about sex discrimination, including sexual harassment:

    Title IX Coordinator:  Kristen Haizlip, Title IX Coordinator, 8489 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110, and 206-780-1058.


    Concerns about disability discrimination:

    Section 504 Coordinator: Maria Kuffel (grades PK-6), Director of Student Services, 8489 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110, and 206-780-1088 or Annalisa Sanchez (grades 7th-12th and Adult Living Program) 8489 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110, and 206-780-1069.


    Concerns about discrimination based on gender identity:

    Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator: Kristen Haizlip, Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator, 8489 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110, and 206-780-1058.


    To submit a written complaint, describe the conduct or incident that may be discriminatory and send it by mail, fax, email, or hand delivery to the school principal, district superintendent, or civil rights coordinator. Submit the complaint as soon as possible for a prompt investigation, and within one year of the conduct or incident.

    What happens after I file a discrimination complaint?

    The Civil Rights Coordinator will give you a copy of the school district’s discrimination complaint procedure. The Civil Rights Coordinator must make sure a prompt and thorough investigation takes place. The investigation must be completed within 30 calendar days unless you agree to a different timeline. If your complaint involves exceptional circumstances that require a longer investigation, the Civil Rights Coordinator will notify you in writing with the anticipated date for their response.

    When the investigation is complete, the school district superintendent or the staff member leading the investigation will send you a written response. This response will include:

    • A summary of the results of the investigation
    • A determination of whether the school district failed to comply with civil rights laws 
    • Any corrective measures or remedies needed
    • Notice about how you can appeal the decision

    What are the next steps if I disagree with the outcome?

    If you do not agree with the outcome of your complaint, you may appeal the decision to the Independent Hearing Officer and then to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). More information about this process, including important timelines, is included in the district’s Nondiscrimination Procedure (3211P) and Sexual Harassment Procedure (3700P).

    I already submitted an HIB complaint – what will my school do?

    Harassment, intimidation, or bullying (HIB) can also be discrimination if it's related to a protected class. If you give your school a written report of HIB that involves discrimination or sexual harassment, your school will notify the Civil Rights Coordinator. The school district will investigate the complaint using both the Nondiscrimination Procedure (3211P) and the HIB Procedure (3207P) to fully resolve your complaint.

    Who else can help with HIB or Discrimination Concerns?

    Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)

    All reports must start locally at the school or district level. However, OSPI can assist students, families, communities, and school staff with questions about state law, the HIB complaint process, and the discrimination and sexual harassment complaint processes.

    OSPI School Safety Center (For questions about harassment, intimidation, and bullying)

    OSPI Equity and Civil Rights Office (For questions about discrimination and sexual harassment)

    Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO)

    The Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds works with families, communities, and schools to address problems together so every student can fully participate and thrive in Washington’s K-12 public schools. OEO provides informal conflict resolution tools, coaching, facilitation, and training about family, community engagement, and systems advocacy.

    U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR)

    The U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces federal nondiscrimination laws in public schools, including those that prohibit discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, disability, and age. OCR also has a discrimination complaint process.

  • The following points provide some direction regarding emergency situations:

    • In an emergency, all students will be kept at school until the end of the school day or longer if the emergency dictates
    • Parents/guardians may provide an extended list of authorized adults to whom they give authority to pick up their children in an emergency situation
    • Parents/guardians or authorized persons may remove their children from school in an emergency
    • Should conditions exist that make transportation impossible, students will be kept at school until the parent, guardian or an authorized adult comes to check the student out of school. It is expected that the parents/guardians/authorized adults will come as soon as possible to pick up their student(s)
    • In all situations, the superintendent may make other decisions dependent on the type of emergency.
    • To check a student out of school during/after an emergency, the parent/guardian/authorized adult should:
      • have their picture ID with them when they arrive;
      • report to the area designated for student requests;
      • complete necessary paperwork;
      • proceed as directed to student pick-up area; and
      • wait for student(s) to be escorted to them

    Please remember that under many emergency conditions, telephone service may be unavailable for outgoing or incoming calls.

    The input from parents/guardians about a child’s needs is invaluable to teachers and administrators. It is a parent’s/guardian’s right to advocate for the best interests of their child.

    We believe the best approach is for parents/guardians and school staff to work as a team to clarify needs or problems and seek productive solutions. Parents/guardians should speak directly to the teacher or principal with concerns about their child.

    Prior to the implementation of discipline or corrective actions, individual students are assured substantive and procedural due process rights. There is an appeal process for disciplinary action taken as a result of infractions that occur within the co-curricular or interscholastic student activities programs.

    BISD School Board Policy 2150, Procedure 2150, Policy 3241, Procedure 3241, Policy 4220 and Procedure 4220 give additional details on this topic.

    As a rule, parents/guardians should speak directly to the teacher or principal with concerns about a teacher, the instructional program, or other matters related to their child or the school. Most problems are successfully resolved at the classroom or school level. Review the Whom to Contact chart in the last section on the bottom of this webpage. 

    If a problem cannot be resolved, a formal written complaint can be given to the principal or superintendent. The school board may be petitioned in writing if all other attempts to resolve the complaint have failed. The superintendent and board president will determine if further review by the entire board is warranted. A parent/guardian can expect a written response from the superintendent and/or board president as a final resolution to a complaint that has reached this final stage.

    BISD School Board Policy 4220 and Procedure 4220 outline the district’s policy regarding complaints.

    The Child Find provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) require the school district to identify all students with suspected disabilities who might benefit from special education services.

    Parents and guardians are encouraged to contact their child’s school counselor or principal if they have questions about special education or if they would like to request an evaluation.

    BISD School Board Policy 2161 and Procedure 2161 outline the district’s policy on Child Find and Special Education. BISD is required to provide annual notice of its Child Find Policy.

    BISD complies with all federal rules and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of national origin, creed, color, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, or physical, mental or sensory disability. This holds true for all employees and students who are participating in educational programs and/or extracurricular activities.

    Inquiries regarding compliance or grievance procedures may be directed to the school district’s Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator Kristen Haizlip, 206-780-1058, 8489 Madison Avenue NE, Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110, or email at, Title IX Compliance Coordinator Amii Thompson, 206-780-1067, 8489 Madison Avenue NE, Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110, or email at or Section 504 Coordinators Maria Kuffel (for PK-6th) or Annalisa Sanchez (for 7th-12th), 206-842-4714, 8489 Madison Avenue NE, Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110, or email at or

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of its Equal Access statement.

    BISD believes in fostering an educational environment that is safe and free of discrimination for all students, regardless of sex, gender identity, or gender expression. To that end, the district recognizes the importance of an inclusive approach toward transgender and gender-expansive students with regard to key terms, communication and the use of names and pronouns, student records, confidential health and education information, communication, restroom and locker room use and accessibility, sports and physical education, dress codes and other school activities, in order to provide these students with an equal opportunity for learning and achievement.

    BISD School Board Policy 3212 and Procedure 3212 outline the district’s policy on gender-inclusive schools.  

    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. 1232; 34CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. FERPA gives parents/guardians certain right with respect to their children’s education records. Under FERPA, a school may not generally disclose personally identifiable information from a minor student’s education records to a third party unless the student’s parent has provided written consent. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents/gaurdians and students over 18 years of age certain rights with respect to the student’s education records.

    They are:

    1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records.
    2. The right to request the amendment of a student's education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading.
    3. The right to consent to disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent (see Publication of Student Addresses, Telephone Numbers, Photos).
    4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education.

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act.

    General Nondiscrimination Statement:

    BISD does not discriminate based on sex, race, creed, religion, color, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, veteran or military status, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal in any programs or activities, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.

    Questions and or complaints regarding discrimination should be directed to Kristen Haizlip Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, at (206) 780-1058 or, or by mail or in person at the district office at 8489 Madison Ave. NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110.

    To view the steps in order to file a complaint, please review Procedure 3211.

    Career and Technical Education Nondiscrimination Notice:

    BISD does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The district offers classes in many career and technical education program areas under its open admissions policy.

    For more information about CTE course offerings and admissions criteria, contact Sean Eaton, CTE Director, at Lack of English language proficiency will not be a barrier to admission and participation in CTE programs.

    For questions, regarding the nondiscrimination policies please contact Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator,  Kristen Haizlip at

    USDA Nondiscrimination Statement:
    In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.

    Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

    To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online, and at any USDA  office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; fax: (202) 690-7442; or email:

    BISD School Board Policy 3211 and Procedure 3211 outline the district’s policy on Equal Educational Opportunities. BISD is required to provide annual notice of its nondiscrimination statements.

    All instructional materials, including supplementary materials and teachers manuals, used with any survey, analysis, or evaluation in a program or project supported by federal funds are available for inspection by parents and guardians. Parents or guardians, upon request, will have the opportunity to inspect the following within applicable federally funded programs: surveys and instructional materials used as part of the educational curriculum.

    No student will be required as part of any project or program supported by federal funds to submit to survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals information concerning:

    • Political affiliations,
    • Potentially embarrassing mental or psychological problems,
    • Sexual behavior and attitudes,
    • Illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior,
    • Critical appraisals of close family members,
    • Privileged or similar relationships,
    • Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or student’s parent, or
    • Income, other than information necessary to establish eligibility for a program, without the prior consent of adult or emancipated students, or written permission of parent(s).

    No student within an applicable federally funded program will be required to submit to any nonemergency, invasive physical examination or screening required as a condition of attendance, administered and/or scheduled by the school, and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of a student.

    The district will make arrangements to protect student privacy during the administration of surveys and the collection, disclosure or use of personal information for marketing, sales or other distribution purposes, and students have the option of opting out of such activities.

    BISD School Board Policy 3232 outlines the district’s policy on Parent and Student Rights in Administration of Surveys, Analysis or Evaluations of Federal Programs. There is no corresponding procedure.  

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of its Parent and Student Rights in Administration of Surveys, Analysis or Evaluations of Federal Programs

    The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) permits a school district to identify certain information as “directory information.” This information may be released publicly without permission of the parent/legal guardian or the student.

    BISD identifies “directory information” as:

    • Name
    • Addresses (personal residence and email)
    • Telephone number
    • Date and place of birth
    • Grade level
    • Dates of attendance
    • Images (photo, video)
    • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
    • Weight and height of members of athletic teams
    • Diplomas and awards received
    • The most recent school attended
    • Parent(s) name and email

    Directory information will not be released for commercial purposes. However, it may be disclosed to the following non-profit organizations without a parent’s or adult student’s prior written consent: local PTOs/PTSOs for the development of student directories or other activities and the Bainbridge Schools Foundation.

    NOTE: Parents/legal guardians and 18-year-old students have the right to notify school authorities that directory information and/or photos are not to be released without their prior consent. This request must be submitted in writing to the school by submitting the OPT-OUT form (see details below).

    Opt-Out Form

    When you enrolled your student in BISD, you had the option of withholding your student’s directory information or personally identifiable photographs as follows:

    • Public Purposes: Please DO NOT include my student’s DIRECTORY INFORMATION including personally identifiable photos for public purpose such as:
      • District, school and teacher websites; BISD’s social media
      • Public news releases for newspaper articles and media stories
      • School awards
      • District-initiated television or other media

    • District / School Purposes: Please DO NOT include my student’s DIRECTORY INFORMATION including personally identifiable photos for district/school purposes such as:
      • Yearbook
      • Graduation, theater, athletic programs
      • Student newspapers
      • PT(S)O-sponsored student/family directory

    • Armed Forces / Military Recruiters: Please DO NOT release my student’s DIRECTORY INFORMATION to the Armed Forces or Military Recruiter.

    Your opt-out selection(s) remain in effect until you rescind your decision in writing, or the student graduates.

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of its directory information.

    The core purpose of BISD is to nurture the potential in each student so that they are well equipped for a world of infinite possibilities. BISD acknowledges that institutional racism exists within our district and we are committed to working until race is no longer a predictor of overall student outcomes. It is unacceptable that opportunity gaps continue to exist because of historic, current, and institutional racism.

    BISD School Board Policy 3111 outlines the district’s policy on race, equity and identity.

    To the extent practical and as required by law, the district will work with students experiencing homelessness and their families to provide stability in school attendance and other services. Special attention will be given to ensuring the enrollment and attendance of students experiencing homelessness not currently attending school.

    Students experiencing homelessness will be provided district services for which they are eligible, including connecting them with services such as Head Start and comparable preschool programs, Title I, and similar state programs, special education, bilingual education, vocational and technical education programs, gifted and talented programs, and school nutrition programs.

    BISD School Board Policy 3115 and Procedure 3115 outline the district’s policy for students experiencing homelessness.

    Each year Washington State’s Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction provides a “report card” which shows a breakdown of the district’s performance on state assessments; the district’s on-time graduation rate and other various data. Access the information at OSPI’s website.

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of the  OSPI Report Card.

    You have the right to know about the qualifications of your child’s teacher(s).  

    You may request information about these qualifications, including:

    • Whether the teacher has met State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction
    • Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived
    • The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification or degree. For this information, please contact the district Human Resources Specialist at (206) 780-1068.

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of the right to know the qualifications of teachers.

    BISD recognizes that parent/gurdian involvement contributes to the achievement of academic standards by students participating in district programs. The board views the education of students as a cooperative effort among schools, parents/guardians and the community.

    BISD School Board Policy 4130 and Procedure 4130 outline the district’s policy on Title 1 Parental Involvement..

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of Title 1 Parental Involvement.

    The Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO) is an independent state agency that helps to reduce educational opportunity gaps by supporting families, students, educators, and other stakeholders in communities across WA in understanding the K-12 school system and resolving concerns collaboratively. OEO services are free and confidential. Anyone can contact OEO with a question or concern about school.

    OEO listens, shares information and referrals, and works informally with families, communities, and schools to address concerns so that every student can fully participate and thrive in our state’s public schools. OEO provides support in multiple languages and has telephone interpretation available. To get help or learn more about what OEO does, please visit the website; email, or call: 1-866-297-2597 (interpretation available).

  • The School Board provides leadership and strategic direction in the area of policies and procedures that support the educational programs of BISD. School board meetings are typically held on the 2nd and last Thursday of the month at 5:45 p.m.. You can view the meeting schedule and upcoming agendas on the BISD school board webpage.

    Term: Through November 2027      


    Director for District 1
    Appointed April 2023; Elected November 2023


    Term: Through November 2025      


    Director for District 2

    Appointed April 2021, Elected in November 2021


    Term: Through November 2025      


    Director for District 5

    Appointed May 2019; Elected November 2019; Re-elected November 2021


    Term: Through November 2027      


    Director for District 3
    Elected November 2019; Re-elected November 2023 


    Term: Through November 2027       


    Director District 4

    Appointed March 2023; Elected November 2023 



    Breakfast and lunch are available at all BISD schools.

    K-4 $2.25 $4.00
    5-6 $2.25 $4.25
    7-8 $2.25 $4.50
    9-12 $2.50 $5.00
    Adult $3.25 $6.00

    K-12 Milk $1.00
    K-12 Soy Milk $1.50
    K-8 Juice $1.00
    9-12 Juice $1.50


    Online meal payments: Payments can be made online 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  If your child's food service balance is low, it only takes a few minutes to add money to it using your VISA or MasterCard credit or debit card. 

    When using the online payment system, please login using the username and password you currently use for Skyward Family Access. (Cash or checks are always accepted at your child's school.) 

    Online payment instructions

    Free & Reduced Price Meals

    Free and reduced-price meals may be obtained by any student whose family income falls within the guidelines set by the US Department of Agriculture. We encourage everyone to apply -- at any time during the school year.

    Apply Online 

    You can APPLY ONLINE through Skyward Family Access - click on the Food Service tab and then Applications to begin.

    Paper Application

    Free and Reduced Price Meal Application 

    Spanish Free or Reduced Price Meal Application 

    Or,  you may pick up one in any school office, the district office, or at the Food & Nutrition Services office, 9445 NE New Brooklyn Road, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110.
    All application information is confidential and is used only to determine eligibility for the program. Students receiving meals under this plan use the same PIN pad to access their account as all students and thus, can remain anonymous. 

    Return the application to your child's school or send to Food & Nutrition Services, 8489 Madison Ave. NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110. If you have questions, please call 206-780-1844 or 780-1082.

    For additional services, Washington Connection offers a fast and easy way for families and individuals to apply for a variety of services such as Food, Cash, Child Care, Long-Term Care, and Medicare Savings Programs.

    Contact us:

    NOTE: Applications must be completed every year. 


    If your family qualifies for Free and Reduced Lunch, you will be given access to a custom online form in your Skyward Family Access. A link to this form will be posted on your Family Access message wall.  With the form, you will be able to indicate your interest in having a variety of fees waived, both for instructional and extracurricular activities.  Please feel free to contact if you have any questions about how to access this form.


    If your child has serious food allergies, please contact the health room at your student’s school.

  • The safety of our students and staff is the number one priority of BISD. If there are any questions or concerns please contact your school principal and report concerns through the Safe School Alert portal or by calling 9-1-1.

    Safe Schools Alert allows students, staff and community members to anonymously report student and school-related concerns. Submission can be via text, phone or the Safe Schools Alert website. All alerts are investigated by BISD.

    The Safe Schools portal can be accessed by clicking on the Report a Concern link at the top of each webpage.

  • Students’ choices in matters of dress should be made in consultation with their parents. Student dress will only be regulated when, in the judgment of school administrators, there is a reasonable expectation that:

    • A health or safety hazard will be presented by the student’s dress or appearance;
    • Damage to school property will result from the student’s dress; or
    • A material or substantial disruption of the educational process will result from the student’s dress or appearance. For the purpose of this policy, a disruption of the educational process may be found to exist when a student’s conduct is inconsistent with any part of the educational mission of the school district. Prohibited conduct includes the use of lewd, sexual, drug, tobacco or alcohol-related messages, or gang-related apparel. The uniforms of nationally recognized youth organizations, and clothing worn in observance of a student’s religion, are not subject to this policy.

    BISD School Board Policy 3224 and Procedure P3224 outline the district’s policy on student dress.  


    The district is committed to a safe and civil educational environment for all students, employees, parents/legal guardians, volunteers and patrons that is free of harassment, intimidation or bullying (HIB). 

    HIB is any intentionally written message or image (including those that are electronically transmitted), verbal, or physical act, including but not limited to one shown to be motivated by any characteristic in RCW 28A.640.010 and RCW 28A-642.010, or other distinguishing characteristics, when the act:

    • Physically harms a student or damages the student’s property
    • Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student’s education
    • Is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment
    • Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school

    Nothing in this section requires the affected student to actually possess a characteristic that is a basis for the harassment, intimidation or bullying.

     “Other distinguishing characteristics” can include but are not limited to: physical appearance, clothing or other apparel, socioeconomic status and weight.

    “Intentional acts” refers to the individual’s choice to engage in the act rather than the ultimate impact of the action(s).

    This policy and accompanying procedure do not govern harassment, intimidation, or bullying of an employee, volunteer, parent/legal guardian, or community member.

    For more information about HIB, or to report a HIB incident, please review this HIB webpage or contact the HIB Enforcement Officer, Kristen Haizlip at (206) 780-1058 or

    Download the HIB Reporting Form

    BISD School Board Policy 3207 and Procedure 3207 outline the district’s policy on Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying. 

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of its Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying policy. 


    Prohibition Against Sexual Harassment states that sexual misconduct/harassment consists of unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually-motivated physical contact, or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature. 

    For more information regarding sexual harassment, or if you need to report sexual harassment, please review the sexual harassment section of our website

    Any formal complaint regarding sexual harassment may be submitted to Kristen Haizlip at (206) 780-1058 or, by submission of this form, or by mail or in person at BISD at 8489 Madison Ave. NE, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110.

    BISD School Board Policy 3700 and Procedure 3700 outline the district’s policy on Prohibition Against Sexual Harassment.

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of its Prohibition Against Sexual Harassment Policy. 


    Student use of alcohol, tobacco and other illegal controlled substances interferes with the learning process. Policy supports abstinence from alcohol, tobacco, and other illegal drugs for all students in order for their development to reach full intellectual, emotional, social, and physical potential. 

    The district is committed to a comprehensive home-school-community partnership that includes the elements of prevention, intervention, community treatment referral, and aftercare. The possession, use, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or alcohol are strictly prohibited and are subject to disciplinary sanctions ranging from suspension to expulsion. 

    BISD School Board Policy 2121 and Procedure 2121; BISD School Board Policy 2150 and Procedure 2150; BISD School Board Policy 2151 and Procedure 2151 outline the district’s policy on drugs and alcohol. 


    Interscholastic Activities Code of Conduct places reasonable standards and high levels of expectations on students who participate in student or interscholastic activities and represent their schools. The same Code of Conduct applies to all school-sponsored activities, groups and sports teams that represent a school. 

    All participants are expected to conform to specific conduct standards and to honor the Code of Conduct expectations 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, in and out of any specific activity or sports season. Consequences occur for the student who violates the Code of Conduct outright or participates in “undesirable conduct.” Confirmed violations of the Code that occur “out of season” will result in the appropriate consequence beginning at the start of the next activity season. 

    Confirmed violation of the Code involving the use or possession of alcohol, tobacco and/or any illegal drug will result in removal of the participant from their activity/team. The duration of removal is based on the number of offenses and ranges from 15 days to the rest of the student’s high school career.
    BISD School Board Policy 2150 and Procedure 2150; BISD School Board Policy 2151 and Procedure 2151 outline the district’s policy on student activities and code of conduct.

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of its Student and Interscholastic Activities Code of Conduct. 


    Unless specifically authorized by School Board Policy 4210, it is a violation of the Bainbridge Island School District policy for any person to knowingly carry a firearm or dangerous weapon on school premises, school-provided transportation or areas of other facilities being used exclusively for school activities, or areas of facilities being used for official meetings of the school board.  The term “school premises,” includes property, or portions of property, owned, rented or leased by the District when the property, or portions of property, is being used exclusively for school district activities.

    Carrying a dangerous weapon onto school premises, school-provided transportation, or areas of other facilities being used exclusively for school activities is a violation of RCW9.41.280 is also a criminal offense.  It is the policy of the district that the presence of firearms and other dangerous weapons in the workplace or educational environment is to be minimized as much as possible.  As such, the following activities are prohibited by this policy regardless of whether such possession would violate state law, and regardless of whether the weapon is secured in a vehicle or possessed by a person with a concealed weapons permit:

    1. No district employee may bring a firearm or dangerous weapon onto any district property without prior authorization of the Superintendent.
    2. No person or entity renting, leasing, or otherwise being granted the right to temporary use of district property may possess, or allow its guests to possess firearms or dangerous weapons on district premises.  This provision does not extend to a property rented or leased as a personal domicile. 

    The superintendent or designee is directed to ensure that all school facilities post “Gun-Free Zone” signs at their public entrances, and that all violations of this policy and RCW 9.41.280 are reported annually to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction.  The superintendent or designee will post signs providing notice of the restrictions on possessing dangerous weapons at each facility being used for official meetings of the board.

    If the district believes that a student has violated this policy, an appropriate school authority will promptly notify the student’s parents or guardians and the appropriate law enforcement agency of known or suspected violations of this policy.  Students who have possessed a firearm on any school premises, school-provided transportation, school-sponsored activities at any facility, or in areas of facilities while being used for official school board meetings shall be expelled for not less than one year pursuant to RCW 28A.600.420. The superintendent may modify the one-year expulsion for a firearm on a case-by-case basis.

    Further, the district may also suspend or expel a student for up to one year if the student acts with malice (as defined under RCW 9A.04.110) and displays a device that appears to be a firearm.

    All expulsion and/or suspension and all other discipline of students who violate this policy will be subject to Bainbridge Island School District Policy 3241 – Student Discipline.

    BISD School Board Policy 3241 and Procedure 3241; BISD School Board Policy 4210 outlines the district’s policy on weapons on school premises. 

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of its Weapons on School Premises Policy


    The Bainbridge Island School District believes each student has the right to a fair and appropriate education, in which their race, national origin, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, socioeconomic status, and ability are valued, celebrated and represented through culturally inclusive instruction. We are dedicated to being proactive in our efforts to implement discipline practices and policies that keep our students in class, receiving access to instruction, and the support they need to succeed. Likewise, we will identify and correct practices and policies that threaten to perpetuate gaps between discipline, achievement, and access to educational opportunities that benefit students. The District holds high expectations for all students and gives each student the opportunity to achieve personal and academic success. 

    “Discipline” means any action taken by the school district in response to behavioral violations, including exclusionary as well as positive and supportive forms of discipline. The Board intends that this policy and procedure be implemented in a manner that supports positive school climate, maximizes instructional time, and increases equitable educational opportunities. 

    The District will observe students’ fundamental rights and will administer discipline in a manner that does not: 

    1. Unlawfully discriminate against a student on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal; 
    2. Deprive a student of the student's constitutional right to freedom of speech and press, the constitutional right to peaceably assemble and to petition the government and its representatives for a redress of grievances, the constitutional right to the free exercise of religion and to have the student's school free from sectarian control or influence, subject to reasonable limitations upon the time, place, and manner of exercising the right; 
    3. Deprive a student of the student's constitutional right to be secure in the student's person, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures; 
    4. Unlawfully interfere in a student's pursuit of an education while in the custody of the school district; or 
    5. Deprive a student of the student's right to an equal educational opportunity, in whole or in part, by a school district without due process of law.

    This District’s student discipline policy and procedure are designed to provide students with a safe, healthy, and educationally sound environment. Students are expected to be aware of and comply with this policy and procedure, including behavioral expectations that respect the rights, person, and property of others. Students are also expected to pursue the required course of studies. Students and staff are expected to work together to develop a positive climate for learning. 

    BISD School Board Policy 3241 and Procedure 3241 outline the district’s policy on student discipline.


    Students and school employees who are subjects of threats of violence or harm will be notified of the threats in a timely manner. “Threats of violence or harm” means direct or indirect communications by any means of the intent to inflict physical harm upon a specific individual or individuals or that place a person in fear of the imminent likelihood of serious harm. 


    The district will assess and address potential threats of violence or harm in a manner consistent with Policy 3225 and Procedure 3225 – School-Based Threat Assessment, other safety policies, and comprehensive safe school plans. In instances where the threat is deemed moderate risk or high risk or requires further intervention to prevent violence or serious harm, the school administrator shall notify the parent and/or guardian of any student who is the target/recipient of a threat as well as the parent and/or guardian of any student who made the threat. The district will ensure that the notice is in a language the parent and/or guardian understands, which may require language assistance for parents or guardians with limited-English proficiency under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If there is a specific and significant threat to the health or safety of a student or other individuals, the district may disclose information from education records to appropriate parties whose knowledge of the information is necessary. Timing and details of the notice will be as extensive as permitted by the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, other legal limitations, and the circumstances. 

    The district, board, school officials, and school employees providing notice in good faith as required and consistent with the board’s policies are immune from any liability arising out of such notification. A person who intentionally and in bad faith or maliciously, knowingly makes a false notification of a threat under this section is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable under RCW 9A.20.021. 

    BISD School Board Policy 3143 and Procedure 3143, Policy 3225 and Procedure 3225 outline the district’s policy on violence and threat of violence.

    The threat assessment process is distinct from student discipline procedures as outlined in Policy 3241 and Procedure 3241 – Student Discipline. The mere fact that the district is conducting a threat assessment does not by itself necessitate suspension or expulsion and the district will not impose suspension or expulsion, including emergency removal, solely for investigating student conduct or conducting a threat assessment. However, nothing in this policy precludes district personnel from acting immediately to address an imminent threat, including imposing an emergency removal, if the district has sufficient cause to believe that the student’s presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to other students or school personnel or an immediate and continuing threat of material and substantial disruption of the educational process.


    Students enrolled in BISD will use district-issued technology to assist with their learning. 


    With the expectation that students are in class full-time, technical support questions should be brought to the attention of the appropriate teacher, building technical support specialist, or school librarian. 


    Families who do not have reliable WiFi connectivity at their residence may request mobile hotspots for work at home at no cost. Be aware that the quality of the hotspot connection is dependent on the distance between your location and the nearest cellular tower. Requests for mobile hotspots can be made to the appropriate teacher, building technical support specialist, school librarian, or to the district Technical Services team at

    NOTE: Families who cannot afford internet connectivity and who qualify for free or reduced lunch, should email Kiyo Toma, Director of Technology, at to ask about possible state or federal assistance programs and the use of mobile hotspots.

    Free BISD WiFi access is available to the public on school property. During times when schools are closed, the community may access BISD WiFi at the following outside locations:  

    • BHS parking lot behind the gym and near the aquatic center 
    • BHS / Commodore "Pit" parking lot 
    • Woodward, park by the main office entrance for the strongest signal
    • x̌alilc (Halilts), park by the main office entrance for the strongest signal
    • Ordway, park between the main office and church

    When accessing WiFi in school parking lots, please keep in mind the following: 

    • Instructions on how to join the BISD network can be found on the Technology webpage.
    • BISD devices should automatically join the school network 
    • NOTE: Non-BISD devices can access the “BISD-GUEST-WIFI” WiFi network and must accept the terms of use. 
    BISD Board of Directors recognizes that an excellent and engaging public education system develops students who are globally aware, civilly engaged, and capable of managing their lives and careers. The board also believes that students need to be proficient, responsible and safe users of information, media, and technology to succeed in a digital world. Therefore, the district will use electronic resources as a powerful and compelling means for students to learn core subjects and applied skills in relevant and rigorous ways. It is the district’s goal to provide students with rich and ample opportunities to use technology for important purposes in schools just as individuals in workplaces and other real-life settings use these tools. The district’s technology will enable educators and students to communicate, learn, share, collaborate and create; to think and solve problems; to manage their work; and to take ownership of their reputations and lives.

    To help ensure student safety and citizenship in online activities, all students will be educated about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response. The superintendent or designee will create strong electronic educational systems that support innovative teaching and learning, provide appropriate staff development opportunities, and develop procedures to support this policy.

    Use of the Internet
    As specified by the FCC, the question of Internet safety includes issues regarding the use of the Internet, Internet-capable computing devices, and other electronic devices in a manner that promotes safe online activity for children, protects children from cybercrimes, including crimes by online predators and cyberbullying, and helps parents/guardians shield their children from materials that are inappropriate for minors.

    To promote the safe and appropriate online behavior by students and staff as they access material from the Internet, the district will use the following four-part approach. However, given the ever-changing nature of the Internet, the district cannot guarantee that a student will never be able to access objectionable material.

    Electronic Resources Use Agreement: Any student, staff member, or guest using the Internet from an Internet-capable computing device in any district facility will be required to sign a network user agreement before access is granted.

    Filter: All district-owned and personally-owned Internet-capable devices in all district facilities accessing the Internet through district network resources will be filtered and monitored to prevent access to obscene, racist, hateful, violent, or other objectionable material as specified by the FCC Children’s Internet Protection Act and district policies.

    Supervision: When students and staff access the Internet from any district facility, district staff will make a reasonable effort to supervise student access and use of the Internet. If material is accessed that violates district policies, procedures and/or the network use agreement, then district staff may instruct the person to cease using that material and/or implement sanctions contained in district policies, procedures and/or the network use agreement.

    Instruction: All students will be educated about appropriate online behavior, including, but not limited to, interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response.

    BISD School Board Policy 2022 and Procedure 2022; BISD School Board Policy 2023 and Procedure 2023; BISD School Board Policy 3245 and Procedure 3245 outline the district’s policy on network use.

    BISD is required to provide annual notice of its Network Use Agreement.

    All students will be educated about digital citizenship and Internet safety. This will include appropriate online behavior, such as interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat rooms, and cyberbullying awareness and response.

    To promote Internet safety and appropriate online behavior of students and staff as they use electronic resources and access material from the Internet, the superintendent or designee is authorized to develop or adopt Internet safety procedures, acceptable use guidelines, and for students, related instructional materials for every grade level. The superintendent or designee, in evaluating such procedures and instructional materials, will take into account district electronic resources, community norms, privacy rights, responsible use, and issues of concern with student or staff use of electronic resources. As a component of district Internet safety measures, all district-owned electronic resources, including computer networks and Wi-Fi, in all district facilities capable of accessing the Internet must use filtering software to prevent access to obscene, racist, hateful or violent material. However, given the ever-changing nature of the Internet, the district cannot guarantee that students or staff will never be able to access objectionable material.

    When students use the Internet from district property, with district resources, or when engaged in district activities, district staff will make a reasonable effort to supervise student access and use of the Internet. If material is accessed that violates district policies, procedures or student guidelines for electronic resources or acceptable use, district staff will instruct the person to cease using that material and/or implement sanctions consistent with district policies, procedures, guidelines, and/or student codes of conduct. Information regarding student use of personal devices is explained in Policy 3246: Bring Your Own Device and its related procedure.

    District staff will use district electronic resources in a safe, appropriate and responsible manner in keeping with professional codes of conduct, district policies and procedures, and state or federal regulations. On district property, during work hours, or when engaged in district activities, staff use of personal devices will also adhere to professional codes of conduct, district policies and procedures, and state or federal regulations. A violation of these codes, policies or laws may be subject to actions described in District Policy 5281, Disciplinary Action and Discharge.

    BISD School Board Policy 2022 and Procedure 2022 outline the district’s policy on network use and internet safety.



    General safety measures:

    • Cooperate with the driver  
    • Observe classroom conduct  
    • Speak quietly  
    • Stay in your seat facing forward with your feet on the floor  
    • Do not eat or drink on the bus, except for medical reasons  
    • No glass, breakable containers or flammable materials are allowed on the bus  
    • Keep head, hands and feet inside the bus  
    • No littering – take your garbage with you  
    • No pets on the bus  
    • School projects must not be larger than what can fit in your lap  
    • Band instruments must fit in your lap or between your legs on the floor

    Be respectful of others:

    • Do not push or shove – keep your hands to yourself  
    • Be courteous, use no swearing  
    • Do not damage bus or equipment  
    • The use of earphones/earbuds should be used with electronic equipment and should be for individual use only

    Safe Loading:

    • Do not approach the bus until the driver signals you to proceed
    • Do not cross behind the bus  
    • Stay on your own side of the road until the bus arrives and the driver signals you to cross
    • Never crawl under the bus

    NOTE: Transportation is limited to a student's home or to one of the following locations: Boys & Girls Club, Big Kids / Kids Club, Hazelcreek Montessori. Transportation to alternate locations for playdates or activities cannot be accommodated.

  • Medication is defined to mean all drugs, whether prescription or “over-the-counter.”  It is the policy of BISD not to give medicine to students at school except at the request of the parent/guardian and a licensed practitioner with prescriptive authority.  If it is necessary to take medication during the school day, please follow these steps:

    • Parents/guardians have the Medication at School form completed by their child’s health care provider 
    • Parents/guardians bring in the completed form and the medication in the original container to the office
    • Please bring only the required number of doses to the school and keep the remainder of the medication at home
    • Students are not allowed to transport the medication (unless the medication is an inhaler)

    BISD School Board Policy 3416 and Procedure P3416 outline the district’s policy regarding Medication at School.