When an emergency occurs at our schools, oftentimes the messages that are first circulated come from non-official sources. For example, a student texts a parent about an emergency and then the parent posts the text on Facebook, and the post is then shared by other parents, etc. So why does it take longer for the school district to send out an official message?
Here's what is going on at the District Office during an emergency.
What should you do during an emergency situation?
1. Follow the instructions given in our message. This might include an alternate pick-up location for your student, or a change to the schools’ dismissal times.
2. Help keep the schools’ phone lines open by not calling in and asking for additional information. We will send updates through the above channels.
3. To help cut down on misinformation in the community, share the district’s message with local friends and neighbors who aren’t in the district’s communications database (those who don’t have students enrolled in the district).
Lastly, please make sure your contact information is always up to date in Skyward/Family Access. Your email address and phone number listed in Skyward/Family Access are the ones we use when sending out our messages.
Thank you for doing your part to keep the communication lines open and for sharing accurate and factual messages with those around you.