What is the Bainbridge Island School District #303 Device Insurance?
Just as you insure your home or car to protect you from accidental damage, families attending Bainbridge Island School District (BISD) #303 may purchase insurance for school Chromebooks, also referred to as “take home devices”.
This insurance is optional but highly recommended, as the cost of replacing an uninsured BISD device is approximately $460 compared to the annual insurance price of $35 (or January prorated price of $23.97). The insurance policy is between the parent/guardian and Worth Ave. Group.
What does device insurance cover?
As part of the Student and Parent/Guardian Take Home Device Agreement, all students and families are required to take reasonable care of BISD take home devices. Device insurance will only cover situations of accidental damage and theft, specifically:
Insurance does NOT cover damage caused by a student or a family member if it was intentional or occurs through a repeated pattern of negligence. In addition, while theft is covered, accidental loss of the Chromebook, power charger, or any peripheral item like a stylus, is not covered. In the case of a lost device or power charger, you will be required to pay the estimated $460 fee to replace the device and/or $36 fee to replace the charger. All fees listed do not include tax.
In the case of theft or vandalism outside of school property, a police report is required by the insurance company as documentation.
For more information about the policy, please review the PDF version of the Group Electronic Device Protection Policy.
Chromebook Insurance FAQ
Families who can’t afford the annual insurance fee may submit a request to waive the insurance fee through this online form. We will review each request and respond via email in two to four weeks.
Every school year, the Chromebook accidental insurance window is opened in September and January. The insurance window may be extended based on the date of the first day of school or other calendar event.
Please click here to purchase the Chromebook accidental insurance.
The "Other ID" can be found in the Skyward Family Access portal.
After you log in, click the "Student Info" button on the left menu and look for the number in the “Other ID” field. It is generally a seven-digit number that begins with 0. Your Skyward screen will display your information. The grey boxes in the screenshot have been added to protect personal information.
Our policy is to offer accidental insurance for daily student “take home devices”, which applies to grades 5 and above. In the majority of cases, K-4 elementary students leave the devices in their classrooms, with the exception of some Mosaic students. Currently, Mosaic students in grades K-4 are covered under the same policy as other BISD K-4 schools, and therefore, families will not be fined for accidental damage or loss.
If you have questions about Chromebook accidental insurance, please contact the Building Technology Support Specialist at your specific school.