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When to Keep a Sick Student Home

A sick student cannot learn effectively and is unable to participate in classes in a meaningful way. Keeping a sick student at home allows the student the opportunity to rest, recover and prevent the spread of illness in the school community.

If your child becomes ill at school, we will call you for pick up. It is essential that we have a phone number where you are contactable during the day and an emergency number in the event, we cannot reach you. Families can update contact information and emergency contacts in Skyward.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children stay home from school when they have:

  • Symptoms of COVID-19 – such as: a new loss of taste and/or smell, shortness of breath, muscle aches/pain, fatigue, headache, cough, fever, or chills.
  • Fever of 100.4°F – keep your child home until they are fever-free, and have not received fever-reducing medication within the last 24 hours
  • Two or more episodes of diarrhea and/or one or more episodes of vomiting within the last 24 hours
  • Uncontrolled cough
  • Mucus/sputum that is green or yellow and cannot be contained – some young children can’t blow their nose and wash their hands effectively, increasing the chance of spreading infection to others
  • Strep-Throat – your child may return to school 24 hours after the start of antibiotics. If medication is needed at school, then you and your child’s health care provider should complete and sign a Medication at School Form. Hand the form to the nurse, together with the medication that is labeled (pharmacy label affixed for prescription medications) and in the original packaging
  • Earache – consult your child’s health care provider – left untreated, an ear infection may adversely affect hearing
  • Head Lice, Ringworm, Scabies – may return to school after initial treatment, just alert your school nurse
  • Rash - especially with fever or itching. A child with a suspicious rash should return to school only after a healthcare provider has made a diagnosis and authorized the child's return to school
  • An open wound that is draining and/or not able to be covered
  • Injury/Surgery – if students have sustained an injury and/or had a recent surgical procedure then they should stay at home, especially if they have pain and/or taking medications for pain relief. Please have your child’s healthcare provider contact the school nurse with treatment orders/care instructions to help your child safely return to school this is especially important if your child has had a head injury. Letting the school nurse know in advance of any planned surgery, and need for medications, will be very helpful to ensure that your child will be safe and comfortable at school during the initial postoperative phase of their recovery.

Contact your healthcare provider if your child is experiencing any other symptoms that are concerning to you and let the school nurse know of any treatment plans


The following are reminders of some general hygiene principles for your child:

  • Encourage your child to use a tissue to wipe a runny nose, discard it in the trash and immediately wash their hands with warm water and soap, or use a hand sanitizer
  • Encourage your child to Cover a Cough or Sneeze with the bend in the inner arm/elbow, and not into their hands
  • Encourage your child to wash their hands with warm water and soap each time after using the bathroom, before and after eating snacks/lunch, and frequently throughout the day
  • Still have questions about whether your student is healthy enough to come to school? Contact the school nurse or your child's health care provider. Thank you for your support in keeping our community safe & healthy.