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Coho Connection 03/04/25

Posted Date: 3/04/25 (6:41 PM)

Sakai Masthead
Coho Connection 03/04/25
Inside this Newsletter
  • Principal's Message
  • Sakai Spirit
  • Thank You
  • Art News
  • Woodward Information Night
  • Choir to Sing at Mariners Game Again!
  • PTO News
  • PTO Emergency Preparedness Fundraiser
  • Yearbook Photos
  • Volunteer Opportunities
  • Communication Survey
  • Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestra Performance
  • Wrestling
  • Girls Exploring Math & Science
  • Sakai Calendar
Drew Crandall
Principal's Message
Dear Sakai Families,

As you know, each week at Sakai, classroom teachers lead a common social-emotional learning (SEL) lesson during COHO time. The last two weeks have focused on active listening and how it affects us when we feel listened to. Students tend to deepen their learning when they apply it at home. This week’s Family Dare is to spend a few minutes each day discussing everyone’s day. Look for topics or ideas you can ask deeper questions about or have your kid tell you more about and model good listening.

For dismissal, our number one goal of parent pick-up is safety. Yesterday felt a little chaotic at dismissal. If your student gets picked up by car, they will be outside waiting for their families to pull up around the North lot loop. Please do not get out of your car or ask your child to cross traffic in the parking lot. Do not park in the South lot. Be patient, please. A reminder that Island Church is a highly recommended option for families that can’t have students walk, ride their bikes, or take the bus. 
Have a great week, Sakai!

Sakai Spirit
This month the following students were honored for outstanding spirit:

  • Vail Sinkula
  • Vega Jolley
  • Sullivan Craw
  • Lila Kruse
  • Nash King

These students invited a friend to attend a pizza party with Mr. Crandall. Thank you to That's a Some Pizza and PTO for sponsoring our student incentive program. The nominations are made in reference to Sakai's Four R's: Responsible, Respectful, Reasonable, Reliable.  ​​​
Thank You
Thank You
Thank you to our PTO Volunteers! 

Thank you to all the volunteers who provided our staff with delicious food during conferences. Our staff enjoyed the breakfast, lunch and snacks tremendously!
Art News
Art News
I had a relaxing break and got a lot organized and cleaned during conferences! I hope your break was wonderful too. I wanted to share the following video with you. It made me feel proud of our students. Enjoy!

Have a great week!

Maggie Hitchcock
Art Specialist
Woodward Wildcats
Woodward Information Night
6th Grade Parents/Guardians Save the Date! 

WHAT: Woodward Incoming Parent/Guardian Night

WHEN: Tuesday, March 11th, 6:30 - 8 pm
WHERE: Woodward Gym

This will be an informational night for all 6th grade parents/guardians who will have students at Woodward next year.

Woodward PTO will have spirit wear available for purchase.
Woodward Info Night
Seattle Mariners
Choir to Sing at Mariners Game
The Sakai Choir is singing the National Anthem for the Mariners AGAIN this year!

WHAT: Sakai Choir sings at Mariners vs. New York Yannkees game

WHEN: Monday, May 12th, 6:40 pm
WHERE: T-Mobile Park

Tickets are being sold at a discounted rate through and part of the proceeds go to supporting our choir program. We hope to see you at the game on May 12, Seattle Mariners v. New York Yankees! Use the QR code or fevo link below to get access to the discounted tickets. Deadline to purchase is May 9th."

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Ms. Gibbs via email.

Go Sakai, Go Mariners, and GO CHOIR!

Mariners Anthem Fundraiser
PTO News
PTO News
Join PTO at Sister's Cider House for Parents' Night Out on Wednesday, March 19th, 5-8 pm.
Emergency Prearedness
PTO Emergency Preparedness Fundraiser
As you prepare your family for emergencies, you can help the BISD schools prepare, too! The collective BISD PTOs are holding a fundraiser to restock emergency supplies across all schools. Your purchase will support all BISD schools and PTOs in their efforts to ensure all classrooms have sufficient emergency supplies.

The fundraiser runs March 3rd through May 4th. Use the promo code BISD303 when you check out to make sure that our PTOs receive the 30% credit for your purchase. If you have students in more than one school, you will receive the same fundraiser information from each school.

The fundraiser is not limited to BISD families; anyone on and off the island can participate.  Promo code: BISD303.  Please help us spread the word! 

Visit the following for more information!
Emergency Preparedness Fundraiser
Yearbook Photos
Yearbook Photos
To make our yearbook great, we need your photos!

If you have any photos from events throughout the year, we want to see them! 
Ideas for pictures to include:
  • Food Drive
  • Snow
  • Sports
  • Break photos
  • Art/school projects
  • Spirit Days
  • Music/band concerts
  • Pics around the school
  • Book fair, etc.
Please submit any photos to or via text 206-799-0228.
Volunteers Needed
Sakai Volunteer Opportunities
We have several upcoming volunteer opportunities. Thank you for considering signing up to help us out.

Game Room
As the weather gets colder and a little less outdoor-recess-y, our awesome Sakai staff would like to provide a game room alternative during lunch recess!

Game Room will be availabe during recess on "B" or "C" specialist days T-F. We would love one parent volunteer to supervise each of these. Please review the available slots below snag one or more if you are able. Thank you!

Please remember that all volunteers who help in the classroom, on field trips, and other various activities must be cleared by the district: Volunteering with BISD. The approval process can take up to two weeks. Once approved, you are ready to volunteer and your approval is valid for two years.

Please bring your driver's license or id each time you sign into any school in the district.
Communication Surveys
Two years ago, BISD underwent a communications audit, which included a survey. This was a valuable tool and helped set communication goals to improve our practices. It is time again to evaluate what is working and how we can improve.

Please take the communication survey (links below) to share your opinions. You are not asked to provide your name/email address, and your responses will remain anonymous (unless you choose to identify yourself in the comment section). 

The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and will close on Friday, March 14, 2025. Your honest feedback helps shape the focus for next year (and beyond). Curious about how we use the survey data? Check out this report.

Orchestra Instruments
Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestra Performance
Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestra will be coming to perform for Sakai students on Friday, March 7th, at 9:30 am, giving them an up close and personal experience with stringed instruments
Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestra
Intermediate and Middle School Wrestling
The middle and intermediate school Bainbridge Wrestling program (Affiliated with USA wrestling) is a free after school program held at the Bainbridge High School wrestling room for 5th through 8th grade students.

To sign up, please contact Dan Pippinger (, fill out the information below and email it in or bring it on the first day of practice.
Wrestling Signup
Math & Science
Girls Exploring Math & Science
We are pleased to offer the 2025 Girls Exploring Math & Science Event (GEMS) again at Olympic College, Bremerton Campus on Saturday, March 22nd. 

The small fee that was charged in prior years has been removed this year, so we hope the event is more accessible. Please note there are concurrent parent/guardian workshops as well – also free
Girls Exploring Math & Science
Sakai Calendar
5: Leaving Our Island Forum Day - 6th Grade
6: 4th Grade Incoming Parent/Guardian Information Night, Sakai Gym, 6:30 - 8 PM
7: Bainbridge Island Youth Orchestra performance, Sakai library, 9:30 AM
11: Woodward Information Night for 6th Grade Parents/Guardians, WMS Gym 6:30 PM
18-19: Whale Tales - 5th Grade
19: PTO Parents Night Out, Sister's Cider House 5-8 PM
20: PTO Meeting 9:00 AM
21: Choir Club Concert Field Trip - Poulsbo Middle School
31-April 4: Salmon Release

7-11: Spring Break - No School

Non-Discrimination Statement
Bainbridge Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Kristen Haizlip, Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Compliance Officer 8489 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110; 206-780-1058; BISD: All Are Welcome