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Halilts Newsletter: March 3, 2025

Posted Date: 3/03/25 (9:28 PM)

Halilts Elementary
March 3, 2025
Inside this Newsletter
  • Incoming Kindergartener Tour
  • After School Activities
  • x̌alilc PTO Happenings
  • Highly Capable Referrals
  • Attendance Matters
  • Communication Survey
  • Calendar
  • Helpful Information/Links
x̌alilc Kindergarten Tour and Bus Ride - March 5
Our incoming kindergarten school visitation is this week!

We love to show incoming students (and their caregivers) the inside a kindergarten classroom, a tour the school, and more about x̌alilc (Halilts). You and your student can also take a brief ride on a school bus, which is always a highlight..
After School Activities
After School Activity - Culture Club
Information for Halilts Sprouts Scouts below!

x̌alilc (Halilts) Culture Club is a welcoming space for students from BIPOC backgrounds, students with disabilities, students of LGBTQ+ families and identities, and allies. We will come together to share, celebrate, and learn about the rich tapestry of traditions and experiences that make up our community. The Culture Club’s purpose is to create a space where every child feels valued, included, and inspired to embrace diversity in all its forms—a place where all students can "Be Safe, Be Respected, Be Yourself."
  • Day: Every other Thursday, beginning February 27, 2025
  • Time: 2:20 - 3:30
  • Location: x̌alilc (Halilts) Elementary School Library
Students must be signed up to attend!
To enroll your child in the Culture Club, please fill out this Google form. Please be sure to also send an email to for an after school transportation change.

Students may bring an after-school snack. All club materials will be provided.
PTO Logo
PTO Happenings
Watch our notices for opportunities to volunteer! We will have opportunities to help with Recess Activities and Staff Appreciation!
Halilts Sprout Scouts
After School Activity - Sprout Scouts
Join us for a new PTO garden club--Sprout Scouts--this spring!

The mission of the Sprout Scouts is to inspire curiosity and a love for nature in students grades K-4. We aim to foster environmental stewardship, creativity, teamwork, and a sense of responsibility through:
  • Hands-on experiences in gardening, planting and tasting
  • Exploration of the natural world
  • Learning about sustainability, developing new skills, and growing both as individuals and as stewards of the earth.

The club will integrate our district farm-to-school focus and strives to cultivate a positive and inclusive space. Join Mrs. Keach and Mrs. Wood on Thursdays after school this spring!  

Sign-up for session 1: Thursdays, March 6 - April 17 (not April 10). 
Sign-up for session 2: Thursdays, May 1 - June 1. 

The cost per session is $20/student. Scholarships available upon request by contacting
Emergency Preparedness
Fundraiser for Emergency Preparedness
As you prepare your family for emergencies, you can help the BISD schools prepare, too!

The collective BISD PTOs are holding a fundraiser to restock emergency supplies across all schools. Your purchase will support all BISD schools and PTOs in their efforts to ensure all classrooms have sufficient emergency supplies.

The fundraiser runs March 3rd through May 4th. Use the promo code BISD303 when you check out to make sure that our PTOs receive the 30% credit for your purchase.

If you have students in more than one school, you will receive the same fundraiser information from each school.
PTOCC Emergency Preparedness
Family Edition Communication Survey
Community Edition Communication Survey
Communication Surveys
Two years ago, BISD underwent a communications audit, which included a survey. This was a valuable tool and helped set communication goals to improve our practices. It is time again to evaluate what is working and how we can improve.
Please take the communication survey (links below) to share your opinions. You are not asked to provide your name/email address, and your responses will remain anonymous (unless you choose to identify yourself in the comment section). 
The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and will close on Friday, March 14, 2025. Your honest feedback helps shape the focus for next year (and beyond). Curious about how we use the survey data? Check out this report.
Highly Capable
Highly Capable (HC) referral window - Closes Today at 5:00 pm
Bainbridge Island School District offers services to students who have been identified as highly capable. Highly capable students are those who perform or show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels. Services are provided for students in grades K-12. 

In the Spring referral window, all students in grades K-11 may be referred by teachers, family, or community members. 

If your student is in 2nd or 5th grade, you do not need to complete a referral because every student in these grades will be screened to determine eligibility for HC programming. Specific information about the screening process for 2nd and 5th grade will be shared through your student's school in late February.

For grades K, 1, 3, 4, 6-11, if you are interested in having your student evaluated for our Highly Capable program, please visit our Highly Capable webpage for more information. The referral submission link was posted on February 10th and will remain open until March 3rd at 5PM.
Highly Capable Webpage:
Scroll down to "How is a referral made?" to access the referral link.

Spring HC Referral Process Timeline:
February 10-March 3: Referral window open
March 10-28: Data collection, which may involve CogAT testing
April: Evaluation & placement determination
Mid-May: Results communicated with families

Please contact your school's highly capable teacher with any questions you may have. Contact information is found at the bottom of the highly capable webpage.
x̌alilc Calendar
3: Highly Capable Referral Window Closes @ 5:00 pm
5: Incoming Kindergartner Visit & Bus Ride
13: School Board Meeting @ 5.45 pm
10-14: Education Support Specialist (Classified Staff) Appreciation Week
25-27: x̌alilc (Halilts) Reading Week
28: PTO Meeting @ 9:00 am in the Library
Helpful Links
x̌alilc Information & Links
K-4 School Hours
  • Monday: 7:50-12:50
  • Tuesday-Friday: 7:50-2:20

Preschool Hours:
  • AM: 7:45-10:15
  • PM: 11:45-2:20

Phone Numbers
  • Main office: 206-842-4411
  • Attendance: 206-780-3050 or
  • After-school Transportation: 206-780-3002 or

Helpful Links
Non-Discrimination Statement
Bainbridge Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups.

The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Kristen Haizlip, Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Compliance Officer 8489 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110; 206-780-1058;  BISD: All Are Welcome