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Commodore Connections March 2025

Posted Date: 3/01/25 (1:33 AM)

Commodore Connections 2025
Community Updates
March 1, 2025
Odyssey 5-8
spring is in the air
March is here!!
Spring is in the air! Finally some blue skies and sunshine!!! What a crazy month of February, with so many disruptions...but now we're back and embracing the changing season! We're all excited to stay focused on our learning goals for 2nd semester and this next six week stretch before spring break.

I am always impressed with our students' enthusiasm and engagement at school. Our students show up and want to be part of their learning community...and that is AWESOME! Last night the Odyssey K-8 students had their Invention/Science Fair and it was truly inspiring, creative, and so fun! Thank you to all who participated and especially to our 7/8 students who had a wild Robotics demonstration for all K-6 students to enjoy!

We will also be celebrating "Read Across America" next week. The goal is to have fun with the joy of reading and celebrate our favorite characters in the stories we love...for all ages!

We continue to plan for growth, enhance program offerings, and seek creative ways to support all of our students and the school district.

Thank you all for your support and commitment to COS K-12!
Tricia Corsetti, Principal
Commodore Options K-12 News and Updates
We are a busy and engaging K-12 school! Our Mosaic team had students design and launch their "hot air balloons" out of tissue paper! Amazing and successful!

  1. We have three active and supportive PTOs in our building. Thank you for your support. PLEASE DONATE AT THIS LINK!
  2. Bainbridge Schools Foundation (BSF) helps to support ALL of our schools by funding intervention, innovative programs, and BISD budget support. PLEASE DONATE TO SUPPORT OUR SCHOOLS! Watch the video to learn more about "bridging the gap"! Thank you! I am the principal rep and appreciate their commitment to BISD.
  3. EHHS Information Night is March 4th 6:00 in the COS Commons. We are making some program adjustment to support more flexible schedules for our 9-12th grade students. Spread the word...visit our updated website with enrollment information. (
ASL (American Sign Language) Project
Our EHHS/BHS students in ASL 2/3 completed De’VIA projects.

De’VIA is an abbreviation for Deaf View/Image Art. 

Deaf Art is a form of art that expresses the Deaf experience and culture. It can include paintings, drawings, sculptures, installations, performances, films and more. Thank you for sharing Tiffiny and ASL 2/3 students!
Family Resources
BISD Communications Survey:
The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and will close on Friday, March 14, 2025. Your honest feedback helps shape the focus for next year (and beyond). Curious about how we use the survey data? Check out this report.

Bainbridge Youth Services: Offers free and confidential youth counseling, parenting support classes and counseling services, in addition to free tutoring. Please check out the wonderful services of BYS.

Please review the BISD Family Handbook for all information regarding policies, procedures, schedules, and community resources.
Upcoming Events
Please follow the BISD website for upcoming events, school schedules, and calendar items.

March is Women's History Month! The theme for 2025 is "Moving Forward Together! Women Educating and Inspiring Generations."

3/3-3/7 Read Across America Celebrated at COS K-12
3/4 EHHS Info Night 6:00 in the COS Commons
3/5 OPTO Leadership Meeting 3:30
3/9 Daylight Savings 2025: Spring Ahead!
3/17 St. Patrick's Day!
3/18 6:00 Odyssey 5th-8th Information Night...enrollment extended! COS Commons

Contact info
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to a wonderful 2024-25 academic year! We communicate to each program through Parent Square, so please keep emails updated and you can choose your school preferences.