Inside this Newsletter
- From the Principal
- 2025 Maker Faire
- Show Up and Show Out! Attendance Matters
- Communication Survey
- Scholastic Book Fair
- Blakely Calendar
- Helpful LInks
Dear Blakely Community,
I would like to give a shout out to our amazing classified staff at Blakely. They truly make a difference in the lives of our students. Office staff, classroom paras, lunchroom support, bus drivers, and custodial all contribute in powerful ways at Blakely. It is a privilege working side by side with each and everyone one of our classified staff. Thank you for showing up and making a difference in the lives of so many.
Don’t forget the Maker Faire is right around the corner. It is our biggest event and such a community builder. Staff and students have been working tirelessly to prepare for the event. I am looking forward to seeing all of you!
Reese Ande
Maker Faire - Thursday, March 20th
Hello Blakely Community!
This is a wonderful celebration of our student's creativity, ingenuity, design process, problem solving and exploration. We invite you and your family to join us from 6-7:15pm to participate, learn, build and create with the students of Blakely.
Parents, Please be sure to stay with your children throughout Maker Faire. No students should be left unattended. Thank you!
We could use some volunteers to help that night
Sign up here:
First Grade
Second Grade
FULL- Wow, you're fast!
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Maker Faire Projects and Locations :
Check out the 2025 Maker Faire Slide show:
BLAKELY LIBRARY BOOK FAIR is THIS WEEK, March 10-13: A percentage of all sales go directly to support the Blakely library.
E-WALLETS: Don’t forget to set up your child’s e-wallet! It’s the easy way to pay.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Volunteers are needed to make our book fair a success. Please consider signing up for a shift!
Lunchtime Shifts (you can volunteer when your kid’s class is shopping!):
- Tuesday: Sheehan, Ball, Claesson, Ledbetter
- Wednesday: Sellers, McCassey, Reuling, Hoag
- Thursday: Clark, Claiborne, Olsen, Saling
After School Family Shopping:
- Monday (March 10): 12:50 pm - 4:00 pm
- Wednesday (March 12): 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
QUESTIONS? Contact PTO Book Fair Chair Melinda Ackles @ melinda_ackles@yahoo.com or Librarian Cathy Grant @ cgrant@bisd303.org
BISD’s attendance campaign!
BISD believes that student attendance and engagement are essential components of understanding and nurturing the social and emotional well-being of our students.
- Across the United States, chronic absenteeism has nearly doubled from the pre-COVID era, from 8 million to 14.8 million
- BISD chronic absenteeism has grown from 6.2% pre-COVID to 27.4% (current).
SHOW UP as your best self and SHOW OUT by being a part of BISD’s community of learners with unique skills, talents, and passions!
Simply showing up to class is not always easy, but something to be proud of as a foundational part of being a student. You can show out by positively influencing your class and school with your voice and talents.
90% of students to attend school 90% of the time!
We deeply value your students and are excited to see them in class each day. Our goal is to instill a sense of pride in cultivating healthy habits and embracing the identity of being a student. This marks the beginning of our ongoing partnership to improve school attendance district-wide.
If you are facing challenges in motivating your student to attend school or encounter barriers in supporting their attendance, we encourage you to reach out to a counselor or administrator at your student’s school for assistance.
Look for stats on how attendance impacts learning and helpful resources to strengthen students’ resolve in future newsletters. And, look at BISD attendance data from a recent presentation to the school board. Attendance Presentation
A big thank you to the high school students in Graphic Design class who helped create graphics for the“Show Up & Show Out" campaign.
Two years ago, BISD underwent a communications audit, which included a survey. This was a valuable tool and helped set communication goals to improve our practices. It is time again to evaluate what is working and how we can improve.
Please take the communication survey (links below) to share your opinions. You are not asked to provide your name/email address, and your responses will remain anonymous (unless you choose to identify yourself in the comment section).
The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and will close on Friday, March 14, 2025. Your honest feedback helps shape the focus for next year (and beyond). Curious about how we use the survey data? Check out this report.
- Blakely Tuesday After School Tennis Program: Blakely 3rd & 4th graders are invited to register for the After School Tennis Program.
- Date: Tuesday (4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13, 5/20) @ 2:20-4PM in the Blakely Gym
- Cost: $35 total for all six sessions
10-13: Scholastic Book Fair
10-14: Education Support Professionals Week
20: Maker Faire 6:00-7:15pm
4/7-4/11: Spring Break - No School
K-4 School Hours
Monday: 7:50-12:50
Tuesday-Friday: 7:50-2:20
Preschool Hours:
AM: 7:45-10:15
PM: 11:45-2:20
Phone Numbers
Main office: 206-842-4752
Attendance: 206-780-2046 or blattend@bisd303.org
After-school Transportation: blabus@bisd303.org
Helpful Links
Non-Discrimination Statement
Bainbridge Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Kristen Haizlip, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator and Gender Inclusive Schools Coordinator, 8489 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110; 206-780-1058; khaizlip@bisd303.org BISD: All Are Welcome