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Ordway Weekly Newsletter - March 10, 2025

Posted Date: 3/10/25 (9:12 PM)

Ordway News
school bus
Monday March 10, 2025
Inside this Newsletter
  • Counselor's Corner
  • Educational Support Professionals Week
  • Communications Survey
  • Winter Concert 2nd-4th Grade
  • Attendance
  • PTO - Car Wash Sales
counselor's corner
Counselor's Corner
Welcome to March!

When it comes to any type of counseling, the strength of the therapeutic relationship is the number one factor that contributes to positive counseling outcomes. Relationship-building is truly the bedrock of the school counseling profession. Many people ask how school counselors build relationships with so many students in a school. Here are five ways we develop stronger connections with students:
At the beginning of the school year, I visit all classrooms to introduce myself and explain the role of a school counselor. This helps young students understand that I am a safe and supportive person who is here to foster their social, emotional, and academic growth.
When people walk into my office, they often notice an assortment of items—drawing supplies, Legos, games, and stuffed animals. Young students tend to have their best conversations when engaged in an activity. The materials in my office create numerous opportunities for shared experiences and meaningful interactions.
Be Present
I can often be found in the hallways, out at recess, or teaching lessons in classrooms. One of my favorite ways to start the day is by greeting students at the front door as they enter the school. By maintaining a daily presence, I become a familiar and trusted figure in the school community.
Young people are accustomed to being told what to do, so I focus on listening rather than talking. I strive to see situations from their perspective, helping them navigate small setbacks and failures. This approach builds resilience and prepares them to face life’s challenges.
Small gestures can make a big impact. I make an effort to check in with students about important events in their lives—whether it’s a big game, a birthday, or another significant milestone. Remembering these details shows students that they are valued and cared for.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. I’m happy to help!

Janette Dodge
Ordway Counselor
Winter Concert 2nd-4th Grade - Tomorrow March 11
The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade Winter Concert, that was cancelled because of snow in February, has been rescheduled on Tuesday, March 11th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Ordway gym. Please join us!

The program will last approximately 30 minutes and will showcase some of the music fundamentals they've been learning in class.
Comms survey
Communication Survey
Two years ago, BISD underwent a communications audit, which included a survey. This was a valuable tool and helped set communication goals to improve our practices. It is time again to evaluate what is working and how we can improve.
Please take the communication survey (links below) to share your opinions. You are not asked to provide your name/email address, and your responses will remain anonymous (unless you choose to identify yourself in the comment section). 
The survey takes only a few minutes to complete and will close on Friday, March 14, 2025. Your honest feedback helps shape the focus for next year (and beyond). Curious about how we use the survey data? Check out this report.
show up
Attendance Matters
BISD’s attendance campaign!
BISD believes that student attendance and engagement are essential components of understanding and nurturing the social and emotional well-being of our students. 

  • Across the United States, chronic absenteeism has nearly doubled from the pre-COVID era, from 8 million to 14.8 million
  • BISD chronic absenteeism has grown from 6.2% pre-COVID to 27.4% (current).
SHOW UP as your best self and SHOW OUT by being a part of BISD’s community of learners with unique skills, talents, and passions! 
Simply showing up to class is not always easy, but something to be proud of as a foundational part of being a student. You can show out by positively influencing your class and school with your voice and talents.
90% of students to attend school 90% of the time!
We deeply value your students and are excited to see them in class each day. Our goal is to instill a sense of pride in cultivating healthy habits and embracing the identity of being a student. This marks the beginning of our ongoing partnership to improve school attendance district-wide.
If you are facing challenges in motivating your student to attend school or encounter barriers in supporting their attendance, we encourage you to reach out to a counselor or administrator at your student’s school for assistance.
Look for stats on how attendance impacts learning and helpful resources to strengthen students’ resolve in future newsletters. And, look at BISD attendance data from a recent presentation to the school board. Attendance Presentation

A big thank you to the high school students in Graphic Design class who helped create graphics for the“Show Up & Show Out" campaign.
Brown Bear Car Wash Sales
Ordway PTO Outdoor Ed Fundraising Team is selling Brown Bear Car Wash Tickets:

  • 1 Ticket $15
  • 2 Tickets $25
  • 5 Tickets $60

These make great gifts! If you would like to purchase prior to break, please reach out to our fundraising team 

Ordway Calendar



Community Events
This page on the BISD Website publicizes information about community events as a service to non-profit community organizations. These events are perceived as appropriate for students, parents, and families. Interested in submitting news and events? Learn how to do so by visiting our webpage, Distributing News & Events.

Non-Discrimination Statement
Bainbridge Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Kristen Haizlip, Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Compliance Officer 8489 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110; 206-780-1058; BISD: All Are Welcome