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Halilts Newsletter: March 17, 2025

Posted Date: 3/17/25 (5:16 PM)

Halilts Elementary
March 17, 2025
Inside this Newsletter

  • Reading Week
  • x̌alilc PTO Happenings
  • ABC Check In
  • Calendar
  • Helpful Information/Links
Happy St. Patrick's Day
x̌alilc Loves Reading Week
x̌alilc Loves Reading Week will celebrate Read Across America Day and our love for books on Tuesday, March 25 - Thursday, March 27.  Students are invited to participate in any or all of the following school wide theme days:

TUESDAY, MARCH 25:  Reading Takes Us Places - Dress up as a tourist or wear something meaningful from your own travels.

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26:  Reading Jogs Our Mind - Dress up in athletic/workout attire.

THURSDAY, MARCH 27:  Bring a Book Character to Life Day - dress up as a character or theme from a book.  
  • Think homemade!  
  • No weapons (or looks like weapons) or masks that cover the entire head. 
  •  If your child needs an idea, Google “book costumes,” however students have already come up with brilliant ideas during our discussions.  
  • There are no limits to their creativity and we can’t wait to see these characters come to life!
Halilts Reading Week
PTO Logo
PTO Happenings
Watch our notices for opportunities to volunteer! We will have opportunities to help with Recess Activities and Staff Appreciation!

Also consider supporting the collective BISD PTOs in a fundraiser for Emergency Preparedness.
Sign Up to Celebrate Our Amazing Halilts Staff in April!
Let’s welcome spring by treating our incredible Halilts staff to some well-deserved snacks as a token of our appreciation! Thank you for your support!  Click here to sign up!
March Recess Activity - Volunteers Needed
During x̌alilc Reading Week, we are looking for volunteers to come during lunch recess to help students make bookmarks! You need to be a BISD approved volunteer.

This is a fun way to engage with students. Click here to sign up.
Emergency Preparedness
Fundraiser for Emergency Preparedness
As you prepare your family for emergencies, you can help the BISD schools prepare, too! The collective BISD PTOs are holding a fundraiser to restock emergency supplies across all schools. Your purchase will support all BISD schools and PTOs in their efforts to ensure all classrooms have sufficient emergency supplies.

The fundraiser runs March 3rd through May 4th. Use the promo code BISD303 when you check out to make sure that our PTOs receive the 30% credit for your purchase. If you have students in more than one school, you will receive the same fundraiser information from each school.

The fundraiser is not limited to BISD families; anyone on and off the island can participate.  Promo code: BISD303.  Please help us spread the word! 

PTOCC Emergency Preparedness
ABC Process
The Annual Back-to-school Check-in
(ABC) process is now open. This annual process lets us know that your student(s) are returning to our schools for 2025-26 and allows parents/guardians to review annual information. 

The ABCs must be completed* for all students attending BISD schools in 2025-26, including both new and returning students. Access the ABCs by logging into your Family Access account. It should take about 15 minutes (or less!) to complete. 

If you need assistance with the ABC process (such as translation, accessing technology, or other questions), please get in touch with [insert your contact information here]. 

NOT RETURNING? If your current K-11th grade student is not returning to BISD schools next fall, please email office manager, Sheila Jakubik, at

*Student class placement/class schedules will not be released in August until the ABCs are completed. But why delay? Go ahead and take care of it today! 
x̌alilc Calendar
25-27: x̌alilc (Halilts) Loves Reading Week
27: School Board Meeting @ 5:45
28: PTO Meeting @ 9:00 am in the Library

7-11: Spring Break - No School
24: School Board Meeting @ 5:45
28: PTO Meeting @ 9:00 am in the Library
Helpful Links
x̌alilc Information & Links
K-4 School Hours
  • Monday: 7:50-12:50
  • Tuesday-Friday: 7:50-2:20

Preschool Hours:
  • AM: 7:45-10:15
  • PM: 11:45-2:20

Phone Numbers
  • Main office: 206-842-4411
  • Attendance: 206-780-3050 or
  • After-school Transportation: 206-780-3002 or

Helpful Links
Non-Discrimination Statement
Bainbridge Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups.

The following employee has been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Kristen Haizlip, Civil Rights Coordinator and Title IX Compliance Officer 8489 Madison Ave. N, Bainbridge Island, WA 98110; 206-780-1058;  BISD: All Are Welcome