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BISD's Focus on Inclusivity

A graphic with text that reads "BISD Strong. Strong minds, strong hearts, strong community. Everyone is welcome" with a rainbow of hands below the text.

BISD believes in fostering an educational environment that is safe and free of discrimination for all students, regardless of sex, gender identity, or gender expression.

Our District Improvement Plan includes goals and strategies to help BISD be a place of belonging. The items outlined below are directly from the DIP.

  • Bainbridge Island School District will ensure our students feel honored, welcomed, respected, and connected. We are committed to embracing and honoring our island's diversity and creating a vibrant and inclusive community. (From the Equity, Anti-Racism, Inclusion, Diversity and Justice Goal; pg 4.)
  • Create an inclusive community where all students feel safe, are honored and see their identities represented.
    • Implement initiatives that appreciate and honor all students in books, curriculum, projects and activities starting in elementary school (e.g., books representing disability, race, LGBTQ, neurodiversity, etc.; LGBTQ alliances, allyship programs). (From strategies to support the Equity, Anti-Racism, Inclusion, Diversity and Justice Goal; pg 4.)



  • BISD School Board approved Resolution 11-22-23 in Support for LGBTQ+ Students in May 2023. In part, the resolution outlines how our schools' environments provide the following:
    • Every student in the Bainbridge Island School District deserves a safe and inclusive learning environment, free from discrimination and harassment 
    • Bainbridge Island School District is committed to providing a learning environment that values and affirms diversity and inclusivity, and supports the success of all students
  • BISD School Board adopted Race, Equity, and Identity Board Policy 3111 in May 2021. BISD aspires for historically underserved students to thrive in an environment that notices, acknowledges, and values who they are and contributes to their academic achievement. We strive to provide respectful and culturally relevant learning environments that honor diversity and create schools where students, families, community members and employees feel welcomed and supported. Race, as well as socio-economic status, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, and ability must cease to be a predictor of student success. The entire community benefits when every child succeeds; therefore, we have a collective responsibility and require accountability to ensure that children of every race, national origin, language, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, socioeconomic status, and ability reach their full potential.
  • BISD School Board adopted Gender-Inclusive Schools Board Policy 3212 in October 2015. BISD recognizes the importance of an inclusive approach toward transgender and gender-expansive students with regard to key terms, communication and the use of names and pronouns, student records, confidential health and education information, communication, restroom and locker room use and accessibility, sports and physical education, dress codes and other school activities, in order to provide these students with an equal opportunity for learning and achievement.  
  • BISD School Board adopted Nondiscrimination Policy 3211 in April 2011. The district will provide equal educational opportunity and treatment for all students in all aspects of the academic and activities program without regard to race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably-discharged veteran or military status, sex, sexual orientation including gender expression, identity or marital status, the presence of any sensory or mental or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability (RCW 49.60 Law Against Discrimination).


Resources - Students/Families/Staff



  • N = National resource
  • WA = State resource
  • KC = Kitsap County at-large
  • SEA = Seattle
  • BI = Bainbridge Island
  • T = Gender-expansive and Trans-specific resource